Web-Based Public Street Lighting Complaint Application with Realtime Whatsapp Notification Using Prototype Method in Pemalang Regency


  • Arifinza Eska Nugraha Universitas Dian Nuswantoro
  • Elkaf Rahmawan Pramudya Universitas Dian Nuswantoro
  • Abdussalam Abdussalam Universitas Dian Nuswantoro




Public Street Lighting (PJU) plays an important role in transportation infrastructure, especially at night. Currently, complaints about PJU damage are only made using social media. This research designs and builds a web-based PJU complaint system with real-time notifications via WhatsApp in Pemalang Regency. Data was collected through interviews, observations, and questionnaires. This system is built with PHP and MySQL, with WhatsApp notification integration to ensure accurate and real-time complaint information. The system trial involved the community, showing the system's effectiveness in increasing reporting efficiency and officer response. The system provides easy online reporting and real-time notifications via the website and WhatsApp. This system is expected to improve community services and PJU management. The results can be a reference for the development of similar systems in other areas.


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