Optimization Of Neural Network Method Using Chi-Square Feature Selection In Poverty Data Classification





Poverty is a fundamental problem that has become the center of attention in several aspects, for example from the government. The government needs poverty data and analyzes it to determine which poverty alleviation programs should be delivered to the right target or the poor. The aim of this study is to determine the accuracy of the classification of poverty in Batang District using the Neural Network method using the chi square feature selection. The dataset used in this study uses poverty data sourced from the Batang district BPS based on the results of the Susenas survey (National Economic Survey) for the 2022 time period. The results of this study indicate that the accuracy obtained for poverty classification using a neural network is 96.38% , with a precision value of 100%, and a recall value of 89.38%. Whereas when using a neural network with feature selection chi square, it gets an accuracy value of 93.68%, with a precision value of 91.07%, and a recall value of 90.26%. The contribution of this research is to develop a neural network method using feature selection chi square to improve the results of the accuracy of the classification is not poor or poor.  

Author Biography

Tresi Aprilia Aprilia, Mahasiswa Pasca Sarjana Magister Teknik Informatika UDINUS Semarang

Mahasiswa Pasca Sarjana Magister Teknik Informatika UDINUS Semarang



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