Completing Sudoku Games Using the Depth First Search Algorithm


  • Fauzan Maulana Alfany Dian Nuswantoro University
  • Christy Atika Sari Dian Nuswantoro University
  • Cahaya Jatmoko Dian Nuswantoro University
  • Deddy Award Widya Laksana Dian Nuswantoro University
  • Candra Irawan Dian Nuswantoro University
  • Solichul Huda Dian Nuswantoro University



Sudoku is a digital game that is included in the type of logic-based puzzle game where the goal is to fill in the puzzle with random numbers. Therefore, in this research it is proposed to use Artificial Intelligence which contains the Depth First Search Algorithm to track the number of possible solutions that lead to only one so that it becomes efficient. This game has different levels of difficulty such as easy, medium and difficult. The time and complexity of execution will vary depending on the difficulty so it is proposed to use Android Studio software. The experimental results prove that there is an increase in playing the Sudoku game quickly and accurately by applying the Depth First Search Algorithm method. This is proven by the ability to complete this game using the Depth First Search Algorithm using the Android Studio programming language. The average time at the easy level is 11:04 minutes, at the normal level is 10:52 minutes, at the hard level is 25:46 minutes, and at the extreme level is 38 minutes.


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