Sheila Lestari Giza Pudrianisa


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memahami proses komunikasi negosiasi individu gay
memutuskan VCT (Voluntary, Counseling and Tasting) serta pendampingan secara sukarela.
Informan penelitian adalah LSL yang tergabung dalam Semarang GAY@ Community yang terdiri
atas tiga orang LSL negatif dan tiga orang LSL positif. Keluarga, teman dan pacar sesama LSL
berpengaruh pada pengambilan keputusan saat proses negosiasi berjalan. Proses komunikasi
negosiasi menggunakan tiga pendekatan yaitu framing sebagai posisi tawar, penyusunan
pesan sebagai elemen dalam membentuk pesan persuasi, dan mengelola hubungan antara
LSL dengan Dinas Kesehatan yang menyediakan layanan tes gratis dan layanan konseling
(VCT) rutin, yang ditandai dengan perjanjian tertulis atau penandatangan kontrak sebagai
bentuk kesepakatan antara negosiator (petugas kesehatan) dengan narasumber. Penelitian
ini menghasilkan sikap sukarela karena terdorong rasa tanggung jawab terhadap diri sendiri
dengan konsep komunikasi negosiasi berulang (multilayer negotiation) menggunakan gaya
komunikasi yang berbeda yaitu karena paksaan, imbalan serta rasa penasaran.

Kata kunci: Negosiasi berulang, LSL, VCT, ODHA

This research has purpose to understand a process communication of negotiation guy
individuals decide on VCT (Voluntary, Counseling and Tasting) as well as voluntary colleague.
The research information were MSM who joined in Semarang GAY@ community consists that
of three persons negative and three persons positive include family,friends, girl or boy friend
of MSM has an effect decision when during negotiation process. The process negotation uses
three approachs such as framing become undisturbed position,composing massage become
element and then massage transform persuasi, and can make relationship between MSM and
public health office that provide service free test and conseling services (VCT), as indicated by
a agreement or sign contract as a form of agreement between the negotiator (health worker)
and the resource persen. This research can produce a voluntary attitude inasmuch as it shoved
a sense of responsibility towards oneself with concept repeatation negotiation communication
(multilayer negotiation) can use different communication such as compulsion,wage,and

Keywoards: Multilayer negotiation, MSM, VCT, ODHA.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.33633/ja.v1i2.2690

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