Kajian Hipersemiotika pada Iklan Majalah Non-no Edisi September 2007

Irma Winingsih, Diah Soelistyowati



Competition in today's advertising world demands creativity from producers and product marketing teams. One form of creativity is sometimes beyond the limits of consumer reasoning to understand. Although communicative, sometimes an advertisement  looks illogical. This excessive element of an advertisement is due to use of signs in hypersemiotics. By using data from Non-no Magazine advertisement published in Japan, the September 2007 edition, the writer looked for the hypersemiotics signs that emerged from each advertisement. Data were analyzed using the referential equivalent method. The sign found are Pseudo Sign, False Sign and Artificial Sign which are used to emphasize the advantage of the product and to attract consumer attention.

Keywords: advertisement, sign, hypersemiotics

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.33633/jr.v3i1.4328

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Copyright (c) 2020 Irma Winingsih, Diah Soelistyowati

ISSN Online: 2655-4836 

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This journal is published by Universitas Dian Nuswantoro, Semarang, Indonesia. 

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