Hubungan Pengetahuan dan Sikap Dengan Perilaku Ibu Terhadap Pencegahan COVID-19 Pada Masa Kanak-Kanak
In Indonesia, the number of positive cases in children aged 6-18 years is 9.3% while in Magetan Regency, the number of positive cases in children aged 6-18 years as of January 17, 2021 is 19 cases. The purpose of this study was to analyze the relationship between knowledge and attitudes with COVID-19 prevention behavior in childhood. This type of research uses aapproach cross sectional. The target of this study is mothers who have children aged 6-12 years, with a total population of 143 populations and a sample of 105 populations, and using simple random sampling technique. The data analysis technique used bivariate analysis ofstatistical test chi-square. The results of thetest chi-square showed that there was a relationship between knowledge (p < 0.002) and attitude (p < 0.001) with COVID-19 prevention behavior in childhood. Mother's knowledge and attitudes are related to COVID-19 prevention behavior, because in childhood they still need supervision from parents, especially mothers. Â Suggestions for further research to make more applicative approaches to the community through leaflets or booklets for interventions on COVID-19 prevention behavior.Keywords: Attitude, COVID-19, KnowledgeDownloads
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