The Analysis of Verbal and Visual Signs Found in Clothes Advertisements


  • I Gede Apriana
  • Desak Putu Eka Pratiw Putu Eka Pratiwi



This study research report entitled "The Analysis of Verbal and Visual Signs of Clothing Advertisements", explains verbal and visual signs in advertisements. This study also analyzes verbal and visual signs that support advertising on clothing and the function and meaning of verbal and visual signs. The formal method of the set of findings presents the results of the analysis by using picture to show verbal and non-verbal signs according to the advertisement chosen as the data source. There are two theories used in this research. The first theory is semiotic theory proposed by Saussure (1983: 89). The second theory is theory of meaning by Barthes (1977: 89) and the supporting theory of color by Wierzbicka (1996). The data is taken from website posts of Uniqlo, H&M and Forever 21. This research data collection was carried diout by downloading advertising posts from internet, viewing the post and taking screenshots of the post to understand the signs of the advertisements posting carefully. Verbal signs in advertisements use effective meaning to attract people's interest in the product. The expressive function is used to provide information from the message the reader will be able to capture the message from the advertisement. The information function tends to be one of the most important, conveying information from the speaker/writer/listener/reader. The dominant conceptual meaning uses information from language, the visual sign in the ad is the image. Images are used to make advertisements look cool, impressive and attractive. Regarding the results, meaning and function of the signs found in advertising, the meaning and function of signs can be detected from making advertisements that tell information about clothing brands, to selling or promoting their products and also to create brand image and consumers are able to understand the meaning of the advertisements


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