Exploring DQN-Based Reinforcement Learning in Autonomous Highway Navigation Performance Under High-Traffic Conditions


  • Sandy Nugroho Dian Nuswantoro University
  • De Rosal Ignatius Moses Setiadi Dian Nuswantoro University https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6615-4457
  • Hussain Md Mehedul Islam The Mathworks, Inc.




Autonomous Highway Navigation, Autonomous Vehicle Navigation, Crowded Traffic Autonomous, Deep-Q Networking, Reinforcement Learning


Driving in a straight line is one of the fundamental tasks for autonomous vehicles, but it can become complex and challenging, especially when dealing with high-speed highways and dense traffic conditions. This research aims to explore the Deep-Q Networking (DQN) model, which is one of the reinforcement learning (RL) methods, in a highway environment. DQN was chosen due to its proficiency in handling complex data through integrated neural network approximations, making it capable of addressing high-complexity environments. DQN simulations were conducted across four scenarios, allowing the agent to operate at speeds ranging from 60 to nearly 100 km/h. The simulations featured a variable number of vehicles/obstacles, ranging from 20 to 80, and each simulation had a duration of 40 seconds within the Highway-Env simulator. Based on the test results, the DQN method exhibited excellent performance, achieving the highest reward value in the first scenario, 35.6117 out of a maximum of 40, and a success rate of 90.075%.

Author Biographies

De Rosal Ignatius Moses Setiadi, Dian Nuswantoro University

Sinta ID: 6007744Scopus ID: 57200208474

Hussain Md Mehedul Islam, The Mathworks, Inc.

Software Engineer, The Mathworks, Inc., United States


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How to Cite

Nugroho, S., Setiadi, D. R. I. M., & Islam, H. M. M. (2024). Exploring DQN-Based Reinforcement Learning in Autonomous Highway Navigation Performance Under High-Traffic Conditions. Journal of Computing Theories and Applications, 1(3), 274–286. https://doi.org/10.62411/jcta.9929