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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in Microsoft Word format based on the template, max similarity is 25%, and no ethical problems
  • Where available, DOI for the references have been provided.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines, which is found in About the Journal.
  • Manuscripts must be in English and follow the guidelines in the template.
  • Submission manuscript size is not larger than 5MB, if it is larger you can compress it using a docx compressor first.
  • A statement of AI tools usage transparency has been included in the Acknowledgement section, if applicable.
  • If you have problems regarding submission or user registration for submission, don't hesitate to contact the Editorial team at email

    You can also submit via this email, however please add authors data (complete name, affiliation, and email)

Author Guidelines

All submissions to the Journal must be in English and uploaded to the JCTA OJS, where previously, the Author had to register with OJS.

Manuscripts must be submitted as one Word file, including the full title of the article, author name, affiliation and address, all text, figures, tables, references, etc. Each submitted paper must follow the margins, fonts, captions, and general formatting in the A4 template: (Template for MS Word).

For original research article submissions, the required text length is between 3,000 to 7,000 words, which roughly corresponds to 8 to 20 pages. For review articles, the maximum length is about 30 pages.

The author must be identified. He must also provide his postal address and email.

References must follow the IEEE style. We highly recommend preparing references with a bibliography software package like Mendeley, EndNote, or Zotero to avoid typos and duplicate references. Include digital object identifiers (DOIs) for all references where available. Doing a DOI-based lookup (if any) is important for the reference manager. Below is an example of a bibliography:

[1] D. R. I. M. Setiadi, S. Rustad, P. N. Andono, and G. F. Shidik, “Digital image steganography survey and investigation (goal, assessment, method, development, and dataset),” Signal Processing, vol. 206, p. 108908, May 2023, doi: 10.1016/j.sigpro.2022.108908.
[2] D. R. I. M. Setiadi, T. Sutojo, E. H. Rachmawanto, and C. A. Sari, “Fast and efficient image watermarking algorithm using discrete tchebichef transform,” in 2017 5th International Conference on Cyber and IT Service Management (CITSM), Aug. 2017, pp. 1–5. doi: 10.1109/CITSM.2017.8089229.
[3] A. Vyas, S. Yu, and J. Paik, “Fundamentals of Digital Image Processing,” in A John Wiley & Sons, 2018, pp. 3–11. doi: 10.1007/978-981-10-7272-7_1.
[4] ICCC FBI, “Internet Crime Report 2021,” 2022. [Online]. Available:
[5] USC Viterbi School of Engineering, “SIPI Image Database.” (accessed Mar. 27, 2019).


Transparency in AI Tool Acknowledgement : Authors are encouraged to disclose the use of any AI tools that contributed to the preparation of this manuscript in the Acknowledgement section. This includes, but is not limited to, tools used for language editing, data analysis, or figure generation. Transparency in AI usage helps maintain the integrity and reproducibility of scientific research.


We do not charge any fees for the submission and publication process, as all publication costs are covered by the Future Techno Science Foundation.


Before sending to review

We check for similarity using Turnitin (plagiarism). The paper will pass if the similarity is a maximum of 25%, excluding the bibliography. In addition, self-citation is not more than 25%.

We also check the suitability of the paper submission topic with the objectives and scope of the journal.


Revision Stage

The author must respond to the reviewer for revisions and/or rebuttal at the revision stage.
In addition, improvements must be marked with highlights, and the highlighted document files must be uploaded with the revised manuscript in the supplementary material for review.
The response template can be downloaded here.


After Acceptance

Corresponding authors must print the copyright form, signed by all authors, scan it, and upload it to the OJS in Upload Author Version.

Corresponding authors also must upload competing interests to the OJS in the Author Version.

Once all process is complete, a DOI will be assigned and published online.


Withdrawal Policy

  • Submitting a manuscript should not be done carelessly or without the knowledge of all involved parties. Submitting merely to obtain a review or as a trial is considered a violation of publication ethics and cannot be used as a reason for withdrawal.
  • Manuscript withdrawal will be permitted only for the most compelling and unavoidable reasons. It is unacceptable to withdraw a manuscript from a journal because it has been accepted by another journal.
  • Authors should submit a request to the editorial office as a letter signed by all authors, stating the full reasons that led to the decision to withdraw the manuscript.
  • If the review process takes more than six months, the publisher allows the author to withdraw the manuscript without paying any charges.
  • If the manuscript has already been accepted for publication, the author must pay a penalty of USD 100 per manuscript for withdrawal, as this compensates for the resources and time already invested by the journal.
  • If the author does not agree to pay the penalty, the author and their affiliation will be blacklisted from publishing in this journal.
  • Authors must not assume that their manuscript has been withdrawn until they have received appropriate notification to this effect from the editorial office.


A LOCKSS license will appear in About the Journal under Archiving: LOCKSS License. This enables LOCKSS to store and distribute journal content at participating libraries via a LOCKSS Publisher Manifest page.


Repository Policy

The journal allows authors to deposit versions of their work in institutional repositories, ResearchGate, or other repositories of their choice. Authors are encouraged to share their accepted manuscripts (post-print) or published versions, provided that proper credit is given to the journal, and the DOI link to the official version is included.


Retraction Policy
The Journal of Computing Theories and Applications (JCTA) is dedicated to upholding academic integrity and ensuring the reliability of published research. Articles may be retracted in cases where significant ethical violations or errors are identified after publication.

Reasons for Retraction:
1. Plagiarism or Duplication: The article contains substantial overlap with other works without proper attribution or has been published elsewhere without disclosure.
2. Data Issues: Fabricated, falsified, or manipulated data undermines the validity of the findings.
3. Ethical Violations: Breaches of ethical standards, such as unauthorized use of copyrighted materials or undisclosed conflicts of interest.
4. Critical Errors: Major methodological or analytical mistakes that invalidate the conclusions.

Retraction Process:
1. Investigation: The editorial team reviews complaints or identified issues. Authors are contacted and given an opportunity to respond.
2. Decision: Based on evidence, the editorial board decides whether to retract the article or issue a correction.
3. Retraction Notice: A notice is published explaining the reason for retraction. The original article remains accessible but is marked as "RETRACTED."

4. Post-retraction: The DOI of the original article remains active to ensure proper citation and traceability of the retraction.

Retractions are conducted in accordance with Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) guidelines. Retraction notices are linked to the original article and indexed in relevant databases.

Authors responsible for ethical breaches may face consequences, including restrictions on future submissions and notifications to their institutions.

Special Issue: Cognitive-inspired NLP for Big Data-driven Multimedia Information

Topics for this special issue include, the following:
i. Big data-driven intelligent traffic management using an online platform for
incremental machine learning.
ii. Approaching a hashtag recommendation for Twitter data analysis that is inspired by
cognitive processes.
iii. Workshop on Information Access Systems with a focus on psychology.
iv. Natural language processing and computer vision combined in a multimedia robotics
v. Employing Cognitive Science Principles to Advance Perception in Artificial

vi. Sentiment analysis using Big Data Analytics for Classification.
vii. Domain-specific emotional models for online intelligence applications are
automatically expanded.
viii. Natural language processing in neural networks for online interaction
analysis and control.
ix. Leveraging geographical Twitter data to map customer sentiment regarding wireless
x. Employing gpt for sophisticated sentiment analysis and diverging from existing
machine learning techniques.
xi. A hybrid approach to sentiment analysis that combines lexicons and machine
xii. Combining information from several sources to do focused aspect-based financial
sentiment research.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.