159 Scopus Citations since August 2023
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- The submission file is in Microsoft Word format based on the template, max similarity is 25%, and no ethical problems
- Where available, DOI for the references have been provided.
- The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines, which is found in About the Journal.
- Manuscripts must be in English and follow the guidelines in the template.
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- A statement of AI tools usage transparency has been included in the Acknowledgement section, if applicable.
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Special Issue: Cognitive-inspired NLP for Big Data-driven Multimedia Information
Topics for this special issue include, the following:
i. Big data-driven intelligent traffic management using an online platform for
incremental machine learning.
ii. Approaching a hashtag recommendation for Twitter data analysis that is inspired by
cognitive processes.
iii. Workshop on Information Access Systems with a focus on psychology.
iv. Natural language processing and computer vision combined in a multimedia robotics
v. Employing Cognitive Science Principles to Advance Perception in Artificial
vi. Sentiment analysis using Big Data Analytics for Classification.
vii. Domain-specific emotional models for online intelligence applications are
automatically expanded.
viii. Natural language processing in neural networks for online interaction
analysis and control.
ix. Leveraging geographical Twitter data to map customer sentiment regarding wireless
x. Employing gpt for sophisticated sentiment analysis and diverging from existing
machine learning techniques.
xi. A hybrid approach to sentiment analysis that combines lexicons and machine
xii. Combining information from several sources to do focused aspect-based financial
sentiment research.