A GCC Artificial Food Additives Management based Mobile Application Development
Artificial food additives management, Agile SDLC, Mobile application, OutSystems, GCCAbstract
Artificial food additives pose significant health risks to Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) citizens despite regional authorities' extensive medical, legislative, and technological efforts. Literature highlights the detrimental impacts of these additives, including malnutrition, digestive disorders, respiratory problems, skin issues, hives, nausea, diarrhea, shortness of breath, allergic reactions, high blood pressure, and tumors. The research project at hand aims at becoming the first official and comprehensive mobile application of its own in the GCC region that manages the calculation and demonstration of an up-to-date health and legal knowledge base of the impacts of artificial additives, enhances the awareness, automatically recognizes the artificial additives, and provides alternative solutions, for both android and IOS mobile platforms. This research project introduces "Weqaya," a pioneering mobile application designed to manage, educate, and raise awareness about the effects of artificial additives. Weqaya provides real-time health and legal information, identifies additives, and suggests alternative solutions for Android and iOS platforms. The project employs an Agile-based SDLC model to explore, develop, and evaluate the food additive phenomena in Weqaya. The application's usability evaluation scores a promising 95.21%, indicating its potential utility for GCC health ministries, dietitians, academics, researchers, and food producers in enhancing knowledge and promoting non-artificial food options.References
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