BEHeDaS: A Blockchain Electronic Health Data System for Secure Medical Records Exchange


  • James Kolapo Oladele Department of Computer Science Federal University of Petroleum Resources Effurun Delta State Nigeria
  • Arnold Adimabua Ojugo Department of Computer Science Federal University of Petroleum Resources Effurun Delta State Nigeria
  • Christopher Chukwufunaya Odiakaose Department of Computer Science Dennis Osadebay University Anwai-Asaba Delta State Nigeria
  • Frances Uchechukwu Emordi Department of Cybersecurity Dennis Osadebay University Anwai-Asaba Delta State Nigeria
  • Reuben Akporube Abere Department of Computer Science Federal University of Petroleum Resources Effurun Delta State Nigeria
  • Blessing Nwozor Department of Computer Science, Federal University of Petroleum Resources Effurun
  • Patrick Ogholuwarami Ejeh Department of Computer Science Dennis Osadebay University Anwai-Asaba Delta State Nigeria
  • Victor Ochuko Geteloma Department of Computer Science Federal University of Petroleum Resources Effurun Delta State Nigeria



Blockchain platforms propagate into every facet, including managing medical services with professional and patient-centered applications. With its sensitive nature, record privacy has become imminent with medical services for patient diagnosis and treatments. The nature of medical records has continued to necessitate their availability, reachability, accessibility, security, mobility, and confidentiality. Challenges to these include authorized transfer of patient records on referral, security across platforms, content diversity, platform interoperability, etc. These, are today – demystified with blockchain-based apps, which proffers platform/application services to achieve data features associated with the nature of the records. We use a permissioned-blockchain for healthcare record management. Our choice of permission mode with a hyper-fabric ledger that uses a world-state on a peer-to-peer chain – is that its smart contracts do not require a complex algorithm to yield controlled transparency for users. Its actors include patients, practitioners, and health-related officers as users to create, retrieve, and store patient medical records and aid interoperability. With a population of 500, the system yields a transaction (query and https) response time of 0.56 seconds and 0.42 seconds, respectively. To cater to platform scalability and accessibility, the system yielded 0.78 seconds and 063 seconds, respectively, for 2500 users.

Author Biography

Arnold Adimabua Ojugo, Department of Computer Science Federal University of Petroleum Resources Effurun Delta State Nigeria

Professor of Computer Science (with interests in Data Science, CyberSecurity and Graphs)Department of Computer ScienceFederal University of Petroleum ResourcesEffurun, Delta StateNigeriaScopus ID : 57189005682


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How to Cite

Oladele, J. K., Ojugo, A. A., Odiakaose, C. C., Emordi, F. U., Abere, R. A., Nwozor, B., Ejeh, P. O., & Geteloma, V. O. (2024). BEHeDaS: A Blockchain Electronic Health Data System for Secure Medical Records Exchange. Journal of Computing Theories and Applications, 1(3), 231–242.