A Comparative Analysis of Generative Artificial Intelligence Tools for Natural Language Processing
Artificial Intelligence, AI Planning, AI Tools, Comparative Analysis, Generative AI, Natural Language ProcessingAbstract
Generative artificial intelligence tools have recently attracted a great deal of attention. This is because of their huge advantages, which include ease of usage, quick generation of answers to requests, and the human-like intelligence they possess. This paper presents a vivid comparative analysis of the top 9 generative artificial intelligence (AI) tools, namely ChatGPT, Perplexity AI, YouChat, ChatSonic, Google's Bard, Microsoft Bing Assistant, HuggingChat, Jasper AI, and Quora's Poe, paying attention to the Pros and Cons each of the AI tools presents. This comparative analysis shows that the generative AI tools have several Pros that outweigh the Cons. Further, we explore the transformative impact of generative AI in Natural Language Processing (NLP), focusing on its integration with search engines, privacy concerns, and ethical implications. A comparative analysis categorizes generative AI tools based on popularity and evaluates challenges in development, including data limitations and computational costs. The study highlights ethical considerations such as technology misuse and regulatory challenges. Additionally, we delved into AI Planning techniques in NLP, covering classical planning, probabilistic planning, hierarchical planning, temporal planning, knowledge-driven planning, and neural planning models. These planning approaches are vital in achieving specific goals in NLP tasks. In conclusion, we provide a concise overview of the current state of generative AI, including its challenges, ethical considerations, and potential applications, contributing to the academic discourse on human-computer interaction.References
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