Plant Diseases Classification based Leaves Image using Convolutional Neural Network
Agricultural technology, Ligh convolutional neural network, Image Recognition, Plant Diseases Clas-sification, Transfer learning recognitionAbstract
Plant disease is one of the problems in the world of agriculture. Early identification of plant diseases can reduce the risk of loss, so automation is needed to speed up identification. This study proposes a custom-designed convolutional neural network (CNN) model for plant disease recognition. The proposed CNN model is not complex and lightweight, so it can be implemented in model applications. The proposed CNN model consists of 12 CNN layers, which consist of eight layers for feature extraction and four layers as classifiers. Based on the experimental results of a plant disease dataset consisting of 38 classes with a total of 87,867 image records. The proposed model can get high performance and not overfitting, with 97%, 98%, 97% and 97%, respectively, for accuracy, precision, recall and f1-score. The performance of the proposed model is also better than some popular pre-trained models, such as InceptionV3 and MobileNetV2. The proposed model can also work well when implemented in mobile applications.References
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