Classifying School Scope Using Deep Neural Networks Based on Students' Surrounding Living Environments
Classification, Deep Neural Networks, Educational Analytics, Educational Interventions, Overfitting Prevention, School ScopeAbstract
This research investigates school scope classification using Deep Neural Networks (DNN), focusing on students living environments and educational opportunities. By addressing the interplay of socioeconomic and educational factors, the study aims to develop an analytical framework for understanding how environmental contexts shape academic trajectories. The research provides a nuanced understanding of the importance of features in educational classification by developing DNN models based on Spearman's Rank Correlation Coefficient (SRCC). The methodology employs machine learning techniques, integrating data wrangling, exploratory analysis, and multiple DNN models with K-fold cross-validation. The study analyzes 677 student records from two schools. The research examined multiple model configurations. Results show that the 'All Data' model achieved 83.08% accuracy, the 'Top 5' model 81.54%, and the 'Non-Top 5' model 79.23%. The SRCC-based approach revealed that while top correlated features are important, additional variables significantly contribute to model performance. The study highlights the profound impact of family background, social environment, and educational contexts on school selection. Furthermore, it demonstrates DNN's capability to uncover intricate, non-linear relationships, offering actionable insights for policymakers to leverage machine learning's potential in developing targeted educational strategies.References
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