A Cubical Persistent Homology-Based Technique for Image Denoising with Topological Feature Preservation


  • Md. Al-Imran University of Rajshahi
  • Mst Zinia Afroz Liza University of Rajshahi
  • Md. Morshed Bin Shiraj University of Rajshahi
  • Md. Masum Murshed University of Rajshahi
  • Nasima Akhter University of Rajshahi




Cubical Complex, Image Analysis, Persistent Homology, Sublevel Set Filtration, Topological Data Analysis


Image denoising is a fundamental challenge in image processing, where the objective is to remove noise while preserving critical image features. Traditional denoising methods, such as Wavelet, Total Variation (TV) minimization, and Non-Local Means (NLM), often struggle to maintain the topological integrity of image features, leading to the loss of essential structures. This study proposes a Cubical Persistent Homology-Based Technique (CPHBT) that leverages persistence barcodes to identify significant topological features and reduce noise. The method selects filtration levels that preserve important features like loops and connected components. Applied to digit images, our method demonstrates superior performance, achieving a Peak Signal-to-Noise Ratio (PSNR) of 46.88 and a Structural Similarity Index Measure (SSIM) of 0.99, outperforming TV (PSNR: 21.52, SSIM: 0.9812) and NLM (PSNR: 22.09, SSIM: 0.9822). These results confirm that cubical persistent homology offers an effective solution for image denoising by balancing noise reduction and preserving critical topological features, thus enhancing overall image quality.

Author Biographies

Md. Al-Imran, University of Rajshahi

Department of Mathematics, University of Rajshahi, Rajshahi-6205, Bangladesh

Mst Zinia Afroz Liza, University of Rajshahi

Department of Mathematics, University of Rajshahi, Rajshahi-6205, Bangladesh

Md. Morshed Bin Shiraj, University of Rajshahi

Department of Mathematics, University of Rajshahi, Rajshahi-6205, Bangladesh

Md. Masum Murshed, University of Rajshahi

Department of Mathematics, University of Rajshahi, Rajshahi-6205, Bangladesh

Nasima Akhter, University of Rajshahi

Department of Mathematics, University of Rajshahi, Rajshahi-6205, Bangladesh


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How to Cite

Al-Imran, M., Liza, M. Z. A., Shiraj, M. M. B., Murshed, M. M., & Akhter, N. (2024). A Cubical Persistent Homology-Based Technique for Image Denoising with Topological Feature Preservation. Journal of Computing Theories and Applications, 2(2), 222–243. https://doi.org/10.62411/jcta.11488