Comprehensive Review of Security Problems in Mobile Robotic Assistant Systems: Issues, Solutions, and Challenges


  • Long Q. Dinh Thai Nguyen University of Information and Communications Technology
  • Dung T. Nguyen Thai Nguyen University of Information and Communication Technology
  • Thang C. Vu Thai Nguyen University of Information and Communication Technology
  • Tao V. Nguyen Thai Nguyen University of Information and Communication Technology
  • Minh T. Nguyen Thai Nguyen University of Technology



Nowadays, robots in the modern world are playing an important and increasingly popular role. MRA (Mobile Robotic Assistant) is a type of mobile robot designed to support humans in many different fields, helping to improve efficiency and safety in daily activities, work, or medical treatment. The number of MRAs is increasing and diverse in function, in addition to the ability to collect and process data, MRAs also have the ability to physically interact with users. Therefore, security is one of the important issues to improve the safety and effective operation of MRA. In this paper, through a comprehensive literature review and detailed analysis of the prominent MRA security attacks in recent years (based on criteria such as: attack targets, technologies used, impact level, feasibility, and contribution to addressing overall MRA security issues), a systematic classification by MRA activity fields is conducted. Security attacks, threats, and vulnerabilities are examined from various perspectives, such as hardware attacks or network/system-level attacks, operating systems/application software. Additionally, corresponding security solutions are proposed, compared, and evaluated to enhance MRA security. The paper also addresses challenges and suggests open research directions for the future.

Author Biographies

Long Q. Dinh, Thai Nguyen University of Information and Communications Technology

Faculty of Engineering and Technology, Thai Nguyen University of Information and Communications Technology, Viet Nam

Dung T. Nguyen, Thai Nguyen University of Information and Communication Technology

Faculty of Engineering and Technology, Thai Nguyen University of Information and Communications Technology, Viet Nam

Thang C. Vu, Thai Nguyen University of Information and Communication Technology

Faculty of Engineering and Technology, Thai Nguyen University of Information and Communications Technology, Viet Nam

Tao V. Nguyen, Thai Nguyen University of Information and Communication Technology

Faculty of Engineering and Technology, Thai Nguyen University of Information and Communications Technology, Viet Nam

Minh T. Nguyen, Thai Nguyen University of Technology

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Minh T. Nguyen is currently the director of international training and cooperation center at Thai Nguyen University of Technology, Vietnam, and also the director of advanced wireless communication networks (AWCN) lab. He has interest and expertise in a variety of research topics in the communications, networking, and signal processing areas, especially compressive sensing, and wireless/mobile sensor networks. He serves as technical reviewers for several prestigious journals and international conferences. He also serves as an editor for wireless communication and mobile computing journal and an editor in chief for ICSES transactions on computer networks and communications. He is in the 2023 Stanford's list World Top 2% scientists. He can be contacted at email:


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How to Cite

Dinh, L. Q., Nguyen, D. T., Vu, T. C., Nguyen, T. V., & Nguyen, M. T. (2024). Comprehensive Review of Security Problems in Mobile Robotic Assistant Systems: Issues, Solutions, and Challenges. Journal of Computing Theories and Applications, 2(2), 182–201.