A Mobile App Development for E-Waste ‎Management in Bahrain (Athar)‎‎


  • Ehab Juma Adwan University of Bahrain
  • Noor Mohamed University of Bahrain
  • Hayat Bureshaid University of Bahrain
  • Batool Mohamed University of Bahrain




Agile-based SDLC model, Bahrain, E-waste, Managing Mobile application, OutSystems, Recyclizing


Bahrain still suffers from electronic solid waste annually due to ineffective waste ‎disposal management. Compared to other Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries, Bahrain ‎generates the largest waste quantity per person, approximately 1.2 to 1.8 ‎million tons of hazardous waste annually. Therefore, the present research article aims to manage the e-waste discarding mitigation by arranging the waste collection, ‎presenting it for sale/purchase/donation (C2C, C2B, B2G), and organizing the waste recycling ‎process. Derived from this aim, the article explores the e-waste ‎phenomena and proposes the development of an e-waste mobile application named “Athar”. ‎ The significance of “Athar” lies in firstly, enabling citizens to live in a ‎clean environment with limited diseases. Secondly, assisting the ‎Ministry of Tourism attract more tourists. ‎ The research article embraces a seven-phased Agile-based SDLC method to analyze, design, implement, test, and evaluate Athar through the utilization of several research techniques, including questionnaires to collect user and system requirements, other techniques such as data flow diagrams, entity relationship diagram, ‎database schema, etc. for the system design, ‎OutSystems programming language to implement the mobile app, and one questionnaire based on ‎Nielsen heuristics for usability evaluation. Findings demonstrate the adequacy of the Athar application with an outstanding usability score of 89.1%.

Author Biography

Ehab Juma Adwan, University of Bahrain

Dr. Ehab Juma Adwan is an Assistant professor of Information Systems at the University of Bahrain. He earned a Ph.D. in Computer Science & Engineering,2016 from the University of Bahrain (UOB), with advanced PG from George Mason Uni,USA. He earned a PG.D. in computing,2008, York Uni, UK. He earned an M.Sc. in Computer Science, 2004, University of Bahrain, and earned his B.Sc. in Electronics & Computer Science in 1996,The American University in Cairo. His research is focused on Enterprise Architecture, Information Systems Architecture, Software Architecture, Systems Engineering, and Systems Analysis & Design. Currently, most of his research supervision emphasis is on ICT in Smart City,Cloud computing,ICT in Construction, and Software development applications.Scopus ID : 57205725939


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How to Cite

Adwan, E. J., Mohamed, N., Bureshaid, H., & Mohamed, B. (2024). A Mobile App Development for E-Waste ‎Management in Bahrain (Athar)‎‎ . Journal of Computing Theories and Applications, 2(2), 164–181. https://doi.org/10.62411/jcta.10930