Call for paper

Journal of Computing Theories and Applications (JCTA), E-ISSN: 3024-9104. This is a qualified peer-reviewed journal published by the Dian Nuswantoro University, Semarang, Indonesia. Submission is open anytime, publish quarterly every February, May, August, and November.Submitted articles will be processed rapidly, high-quality peer-reviewed, and the first decision in approximately two weeks. The publication process can take approximately six weeks.Articles that have been accepted will be published immediately (in process) after going through the proofreading process.All accepted papers are FREE OF CHARGES (APC free) for SUBMISSION, PUBLICATION, and OPEN ACCESS.All published papers have DOI and are CROSSREF indexed. Articles should be submitted approximately one month before the publication schedule if you want them to be published on the desired schedule. For example, if you want to publish in March, submit no later than February. Unless the publication slot is full, it will be published in the next issue, or if the Author asks for a special request to publish in the next issue You can access the About page to become an author(s) in this journal. You can first read the Policies section to find out the policies determined by the JCTA. Then, if you submit an article, you can see the guidelines here.   Don't hesitate to contact if meet submission difficulties. We look forward to hearing from you.   Sincerely,JCTA Editorial