



AbstrakBanyaknya gedung perkuliahan dan kurangnya petunjuk jalan maupun peta lokasi yang mudah diakses membuat lokasi gedung, bangunan, bahkan ruang kelas di Politeknik Negeri Malang (Polinema) mempunyai keterbatasan dalam pencarian. Melihat permasalahan tersebut, maka dibangun sebuah aplikasi pencarian lokasi gedung dan ruangan yang mengacu pada koordinat lokasi yang diperoleh melalui Google Maps. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Rational Unified Process dengan pendekatan teknologi markerless pada augmented reality sebagai media informasi yang digunakan sebagai penanda gedung dan ruangan yang dapat dijalankan pada smartphone Android. Hasilnya sistem dapat mengimplementasikan metode markerless augmented reality dengan cukup baik yang memperoleh tingkat akurasi 89% dalam ketepatan menampilkan informasi lokasi gedung dan kelas secara real-time pada kamera perangkat android dan dari semua kelas uji. Kata Kunci: android, augmented reality, markerless, wayfinding AbstractThe number of lecture buildings and the lack of street guides and easily accessible location maps make the location of buildings, buildings, even classrooms in Polinema have limitations in the search. This is in accordance with the problems that occur in Polinema's new students in finding the location of each building or class, not least with old students, education personnel, and the public who visit Polinema. Seeing the problem, a search application was built for the location of the building and the room that refers to the coordinates of the location obtained through google map. The study used the Rational Unified Process method with a markerless augmented reality technology as an information medium used as a marker of buildings and rooms that can be run on android smartphones. As a result, the system can implement the Markerless Augmented Reality Method quite well which obtains an 89% accuracy rate in the accuracy of displaying building and class location information in real-time on the cameras of android devices and from all test classes. Keywords: android, augmented reality, markerless, wayfinding

Author Biographies

Muhammad Shulhan Khairy, State Polytechnic of Malang

Information Technology

Laduni Estu Syalwa, State Polytechnic of Malang

Information Technology

Usman Nurhasan, State Polytechnic of Malang

Information Technology


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