UJARAN (Undergraduate Journal for Academic Research in Humanities) 2024-07-19T05:33:22+00:00 Nina Setyaningsih, M.Hum. Open Journal Systems UJARAN (Undergraduate Journal for Academic Research in Humanities) is a medium for undergraduate students to publish their research in the field of humanities. This academic journal publishes research articles specifically on English and Japanese language, literature, culture, translation studies, as well as tourism and hotel management studies. Genderlect of Men and Women: A Study of Chuck Bass and Blair Waldorf’s Conversation in Gossip Girl 2024-07-12T08:12:20+00:00 Shofia Amalia Rahma Nina Setyaningsih <p>ABSTRACT</p><p>This research is aimed to analyze the genderlect of men and women as depicted by Chuck Bass and Blair Waldorf as the main characters of American TV-Series entitled Gossip Girl. The researchers used the theory of Adjacency Pairs (Levinson, 1983) and Genderlect (Tannen, 1991) to indicate the differences of men and women language and the stereotypes of men and women depicted by those characters. The data were taken from 13 episodes of Gossip Girl from season 1 to 6. The results show that Chuck Bass offers and gives more question than Blair Waldorf. On the other hand, Blair Waldorf requests, gives assessment, and blames more than Chuck Bass. The stereotypes of men depicted by Chuck Bass are men make offer as asymmetric communication and make more question to be informative. The stereotypes of women depicted by Blair Waldorf are women make more request as social communication, make assessment as intimate communication, and they are cooperative.</p><p><em>ABSTRAK</em></p><p><em>Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis genderlect laki-laki dan perempuan sebagaimana yang ditampilkan oleh Chuck Bass dan Blair Waldorf sebagai tokoh utama dalam serial TV Amerika berjudul Gossip Girl. Peneliti menggunakan teori Adjacency Pairs (Levinson, 1983) dan Genderlect (Tannen, 1991) untuk menunjukkan perbedaan bahasa laki-laki dan perempuan dan stereotipe yang ditampilkan oleh kedua tokoh. Data diperoleh dari 13 episode Gossip Girl musim 1 sampai 6. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Chuck Bass menawarkan dan memberi lebih banyak pertanyaan daripada Blair Waldorf. Sebaliknya, Blair Waldorf lebih banyak meminta, memberi penilaian, dan menyalahkan daripada Chuck Bass. Stereotipe laki-laki yang digambarkan oleh Chuck Bass yaitu laki-laki membuat penawaran sebagai komunikasi asimetris dan bertanya lebih banyak untuk menjadi lebih informatif. Stereotipe perempuan yang digambarkan oleh Blair Waldorf yaitu perempuan lebih banyak meminta sebagai komunikasi sosial, membuat penilaian sebagai komunikasi intim, dan kooperatif.</em></p> 2024-07-19T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2022 Shofia Amalia Rahma, Nina Setyaningsih The Ideology of Donald Trump and Joe Biden in Their Political Speeches through Appraisal of Attitude 2022-04-12T12:08:42+00:00 Aulya Puspa Rahmaida Setyo Prasiyanto Cahyono <p>ABSTRACT<br />The title of this study, which is The Ideology of Donald Trump and Joe Biden in Their Political Speeches through Appraisal of Attitude, reflects the objectives: to define the attitudinal appraisal of the speeches and to define the ideology of the speakers. To come to the purpose, the researcher implicates the appraisal system of attitude theory proposed by Martin and White (2005) and political discourse to analyze the speakers' ideology. The campaign speech scripts taken from the website were the speech delivered on the same day by the speakers in different places. Therefore, this study applies purposive sampling data with the model of research: qualitative descriptive. The data results show different number, however, the same pattern of attitude used by Donald Trump and Joe Biden. 63% of the data found indicates positive in Donald Trump's campaign speech with the sub-system mostly in use is judgment and a total of 250 items in use. Joe Biden's campaign speech has 65% indicates the use of positive attitude systems and has judgment with the number of items in use: 121 items. Thus, it differs in the way they use attitude to appraise what and how. As well as their social beliefs, since Donald Trump is a part of the Republican and Joe Biden is a Democrat. Accordingly, the use of attitude in their campaign speech and their social beliefs describe them as presidential candidates who will lead <em>America.</em></p><p><em></em><br /><em>ABSTRAK</em><br /><em>Judul dari penelitian ini adalah The Ideology of Donald Trump and Joe Biden in They Political Speeches through Appraisal of Attitude, yang mencerminkan tujuan penelitian: untuk mendefinisikan sikap sebagai bagian dari sistem penilaian yang digunakan dalam pidato kampanye, dan untuk mendefinisikan ideologi pembicara. Untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut, peneliti mengimplikasikan teori penilaian yang dikemukakan oleh Martin dan White (2005) dan wacana politik untuk menganalisis ideologi pembicara. Naskah pidato kampanye yang diambil dari website merupakan pidato kampanye yang disampaikan di hari yang sama namun berbeda lokasi oleh kedua kandidat. Penelitian ini menggunakan teknik pengambilan data secara purposive sampling dengan model penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil data menunjukkan angka yang berbeda, namun pola penilaian sikap yang sama yang digunakan oleh Donald Trump dan Joe Biden. 63% data yang ditemukan merujuk kepada penilaian sikap secara positif dalam pidato kampanye Donald Trump dengan sub sistem yang paling banyak digunakan adalah judgment sebanyak 250 item. 65% dari analisis pada pidato kampanye Joe Biden menunjukkan penggunaan sistem penilaian sikap positif dan paling banyak ditemukan penggunaan judgment, dengan jumlah item yang digunakan: 121 item. Di antara kedua kandidat, yang membedakan penggunaan penilaian sikap dalam pidato kampanye mereka adalah siapa atau apa yang mereka evaluasi dan bagaimana; cara mereka menilainya. Terkait ideologi mereka sebagai anggota dari partai politik tertentu, sebagaimana Donald Trump adalah bagian dari Republik dan Joe Biden adalah seorang Demokrat, hal tersebut mempengaruhi ideologi mereka dalam hal strategi pemerintahan yang akan mereka jalankan sebagai calon presiden yang akan memimpin Amerika.</em></p> 2024-07-19T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2022 Aulya Puspa Rahmaida, Setyo Prasiyanto Cahyono Speech Function Analysis of Chris Watts Interrogation Between FBI, CBI, and Frederick Co Police 2022-04-12T12:08:42+00:00 Salsabila Silmi Damayanti Sunardi Sunardi This thesis is entitled Speech function analysis of Chris Watts’s Interrogation with FBI, CBI, and Frederick Co, Police. The video was taken from Netflix and YouTube. This interrogation contains various speech functions and mood types. Descriptive qualitative method used to analyze Chris Watts's interrogation with the FBI, CBI, and Frederick, CO Police. Meanwhile, there were three forms of data, those are video or audio, transcript, and classifying the utterances. The researcher found 9 categories of speech function in the interrogation, those are statements, questions, offer, command, acknowledgment, contradiction, answer, disclaimer, and refusal. Moreover, this thesis also found 10 kinds of mood types such as declarative, modulated declarative, tagged declarative, interrogative, polar interrogative, wh-interrogative, imperative, exclamative, elliptical clause, and minor clause. The researcher also analyzed the Interpersonal Roles in Chris Watts’s interrogation with FBI, CBI, and, Frederick Co, Police. In the interrogation Chris creates are the highest speech function of "statement" it is because Chris is a convict who should state in detail. Whereas Grahm Coder, the FBI representative, produced the highest "question" because he is the investigator. Tammy Lee, the CBI representative, produces the highest speech function of "question" because Tammy has the same roles as Grahm Coder. Dave's highest speech function is "statement" because he acts like he closes to Shannan's family. This thesis also describes the implication of speech function in Chris Watts interrogation with FBI, CBI, Frederick Co, and Police in crime-solving because while interrogating a suspect, the investigators can examine the utterances which are delivered by the suspect whether they are true or false. 2024-07-19T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2022 Salsabila Silmi Damayanti, Sunardi Sunardi Lexical Cohesion of International Journal of Linguistics: The Power behind Images: Advertisement Discourse in Focus 2022-04-12T12:08:42+00:00 Dewi Anggraeni A.A. Pitaloka Setyo Prasiyanto Cahyono <p>This research is conducted to find what kind of lexical cohesion devices used in the journal and to explain the differences among all of them. This research was conducted by using descriptive qualitative as a method to analyze the data and the researcher used a purposive sampling to choose the data. The data were taken from the text of the international journal that contains 527 clauses. Moreover, the framework used to analyze the data is the one proposed by Paltridge (2000) which divided the types of lexical cohesion into six types; those are repetition, synonymy, antonymy, hyponymy, meronymy, and collocation. Based on the analysis, all types of lexical cohesion are found in the data with 495 total numbers. To be specific, the result of this research shows that the most dominant types of lexical cohesion that appears frequently is synonymy with 204 occurrences or 41,2% since the researcher of the journal wants to style his writing and make the text cohesive in order to relate the meaning between lexis used in the text. Meanwhile, the lowest frequency of occurrences is meronymy with 3 occurrences or 0,6%.</p><p><em>Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menemukan jenis perangkat kohesi leksikal apa saja yang digunakan dalam jurnal dan untuk menjelaskan perbedaan diantara jenis tersebut. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan deskriptif kualitatif sebagai metode untuk menganalisis data dan peneliti menggunakan purposive sampling untuk memilih data. Data diambil dari teks jurnal internasional yang mengandung 572 klausa. Selain itu, framework yang digunakan untuk menganalisis data adalah salah satu yang diusulkan oleh Paltridge (2000) dimana membagi jenis kohesi leksikal menjadi 6 jenis; yaitu repetition, sinonim, antonim, hiponim, meronim, dan collocation. Berdasarkan analisis, semua jenis kohesi leksikal ditemukan dalam data dengan jumlah total 495. Lebih spesifik, hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa jenis kohesi leksikan yang paling dominan yang paling sering muncul adalah sinonim dengan 204 kejadian atau 41,2% karena peneliti jurnal ingin mengubah gaya penulisannya dan membuat teks menjadi kohesif agar dapat memahami makna antar lexis yang digunakan dalam teks tersebut. Sementara itu, frekuensi terendah yg muncul adalah meronimi dengan 3 kejadian atau 0,6%.</em></p> 2024-07-19T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2022 Dewi Anggraeni A.A. Pitaloka Jack’s Motivation to Escape from Captivity in Emma Donoghue’s Novel Room 2022-04-12T12:08:42+00:00 Nicolaus Jodhi Suryanaga Muhammad Rifqi This study is entitled “Jack’s Motivation to Escape from Captivity in Emma Donoghue’s novel Room”. This study aims to analyze intrinsic and extrinsic elements that happens in the main character named Jack from the novel Room. Using descriptive qualitative methods. The intrinsic and extrinsic contains the structural and psychological aspect from the novel Room. The structural approach was used to describe the main character’s traits, conflicts, and settings (Time and Place), while the psychological approach was used to describe Jack’s motivation as the main character of the novel “Room”. The research data collection used libraries and internet sources as the supporting method. The results show that Jack as the main character, is an Ambitious, Broad-minded, Happy, Stubborn, Fun, Curious, Pessimistic, Smart, and Well-Adapted person. From Jack’s characteristics, it also indicates that Jack is a Dynamic character since his character changes following the story from Ambitious, Pessimistic, Smart, and becomes a Well-Adapted person. The psychological approach was used to analyze Jack’s hierarchy of needs. The use of the psychological approach is to find Jack’s motivation. It appeared when he got his stimuli or secondary reinforcement from his mother and the person that encouraged him to escape from room and become an adapted person finally. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs covers Physical needs, Safety needs, Esteem needs, Love and Belongingness needs, and Self- Actualization. Jack’s self-actualization indicates his significant achievement, i.e., escaping from the room with his mother and living his life afterward. Jack’s Tension is based on his conflicts between his mother, himself, and the environment. In the end, Jack is capable of self-actualizing himself as the normal child. 2024-07-19T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2022 Nicolaus Jodhi Suryanaga Auggie’s Self Actualization Described in Novel Wonder Written by R.J. Palacio 2022-04-12T12:08:42+00:00 Sebastianus Ferdian Aji P. Pradana Muhammad Rifqi <table width="643" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tbody><tr><td valign="top" width="491"><p class="Abstract">This thesis is entitled “Auggie’s Self Actualization Described In Novel Wonder Written By R.J Palacio”. This thesis aims to find Self Actualization characteristics that occurred in Auggie as the main character in the Wonder Novel. The source of data is taken from Wonder novel by R.J Palacio. This is a qualitative descriptive study. Abraham Maslow’s Self-Actualization theory was applied to analyze the main character. The structural approach was used to analyze the main character traits, conflict and setting while the psychological approach was used to describe and analyze Self-actualization characteristics that occurred in Auggie as the main character in the Wonder Novel. As the main character, Auggie is an unconfident, worried, happy, funny, friendly, upset, creative, and curious person. It means Auggie is a dynamic character because his traits were changed throughout the story. The result of this research shows Self - actualization characteristics that found and occurred in Auggie, those characteristics are: More efficient perception of reality and more comfortable relations with it, Spontaneity simplicity and Naturalness, Problem centering, Continued freshness of appreciation, Social Interest, Interpersonal relations, The democratic character structure, Philosophical unhostile sense of humor, Creativeness, and The acceptance (self, others, nature). According to Maslow’s self-actualization theory, the researcher concluded, that the self-actualization characteristics that mostly dominate appear in Auggie: more efficient perception of reality, continued freshness of appreciation and interpersonal relations.<strong></strong></p></td></tr><tr><td valign="top" width="491"><p class="Abstract"><strong><em>Abstrak</em></strong></p></td></tr><tr><td valign="top" width="491"><p><em>Penelitian ini berjudul “Aktualisasi Diri Auggie Dideskripsikan Dalam Novel Wonder Ditulis oleh </em><em>R.J Palacio”. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menemukan karakteristik Aktualisasi Diri yang terjadi pada Auggie sebagai tokoh utama dalam novel Wonder. Sumber data diambil dari novel Wonder karya R.J Palacio. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Teori Aktualisasi Diri Abraham Maslow diterapkan untuk menganalisis tokoh utama pada novel. Pendekatan struktural digunakan untuk menganalisis sifat tokoh utama, konflik dan setting sedangkan pendekatan psikologis digunakan untuk mendeksripsikan dan menganalisis karakteristik aktualisasi diri yang terjadi pada Auggie sebagai tokoh utama dalam novel Wonder. Sebagai tokoh utama, Auggie adalah seseorang yang tidak percaya diri, khawatir, bahagia, lucu, ramah, kesal atau mudah kecewa, kreatif, dan ingin tahu. Artinya, Auggie adalah karakter yang dinamis karena sifatnya yang berubah sepanjang cerita. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan karakteristik aktualisasi diri yang ditemukan dan terjadi pada diri Auggie, karakteristik tersebut adalah: persepsi realitas yang lebih efisien, kesederhanaan dan kealamian yang spontan, pemusatan masalah, kesegaran apresiasi yang berkelanjutan, ketertarikan sosial, hubungan antar pribadi, struktur karakter demokratis, rasa humor yang filosofis tidak bermusuhan, kreativitas, dan penerimaan (diri, orang lain, alam). Menurut teori aktualisasi diri Maslow, peneliti menyimpulkan, bahwa karakteristik aktualisasi diri yang paling mendominasi muncul di Auggie adalah persepsi realitas yang lebih efisien, kesegaran apresiasi yang berkelanjutan dan hubungan antar pribadi.</em><em></em></p></td></tr></tbody></table> 2024-07-19T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2022 Sebastianus Ferdian Aji P. Pradana, Muhammad Rifqi Translation Techniques of the NPC (Non-Player Characters) Utterances in Toram Online Video Game 2022-04-12T12:11:50+00:00 Raehan Nur Achmad Basari <p>ABSTRACT</p><p>This research is entitled “Translation Techniques of the NPC (Non-Player Characters) Utterances in the Toram Online Video Game”. The purposes of this research are to identify the types of translation techniques and to find out the dominant translation technique that was used in translating the NPC utterances in the Toram Online video game. The researcher uses descriptive qualitative as a method for this study. In identifying the types of translation techniques, the researcher chose to use Molina and Albir theory. From the results of this study, the researcher found 349 utterances that were used by the NPC in the Toram Online video game. The results show that 12 out of 18 translation techniques were applied. They are; 1) established equivalent 32.09% (112 data), 2) borrowing 26.64% (93 data), 3) amplification 13.18% (46 data), 4) literal translation (12.32%), 5) particularization 5.44% (19 data), 6) reduction 2.86% (10 data), 7) linguistic amplification 2.86% (10 data), 8) transposition 1.72% (6 data), 9) modulation 1.15% (4 data), 10) discursive creation 0.86% (3 data), 11) adaptation 0.57% (2 data), 12) linguistic compression 0.29% (1 data). The dominant translation technique used is an established equivalent of 32.09% (112 data). While the least translation technique used is linguistic compression 0.29% (1 data). It can be concluded that the translator used established equivalent as the dominant translation technique due to making the target text meaning as equivalent as the source text with the words that are familiar in the dictionary or common use in daily activities.</p><p><em>ABSTRAK</em></p><p><em>Penelitian ini berjudul “Teknik Penerjemahan Ungkapan NPC (Non-Player Characters) dalam Video Game Toram Online”. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi jenis-jenis teknik penerjemahan dan untuk mengetahui teknik penerjemahan yang dominan digunakan dalam menerjemahkan ucapan NPC dalam video game Toram Online. Peneliti menggunakan deskriptif kualitatif sebagai metode dalam penelitian ini. Dalam mengidentifikasi jenis-jenis teknik penerjemahan, peneliti memilih menggunakan teori Molina dan Albir. Dari hasil penelitian ini, peneliti menemukan 349 ucapan yang digunakan oleh NPC dalam video game Toram Online. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 12 dari 18 teknik penerjemahan diterapkan. Mereka; 1) Established Equivalence 32,09% (112 data), 2) Borrowing 26,64% (93 data), 3) Amplification 13,18% (46 data), 4) Literal translation (12,32%), 5) Particularization 5,44% (19 data), 6) Reduction 2,86% (10 data), 7) Linguistic amplification 2,86% (10 data), 8) Transposition 1,72% (6 data), 9) Modulation 1,15% (4 data), 10) Diskursive creation 0,86% (3 data) ), 11) Adaptation 0,57% (2 data), 12) Linguistic compression 0,29% (1 data). Teknik penerjemahan yang dominan digunakan adalah Established Equivalence sebesar 32,09% (112 data). Sedangkan teknik penerjemahan yang paling sedikit digunakan adalah Linguistic compression 0,29% (1 data). Dapat disimpulkan bahwa penerjemah menggunakan padanan mapan sebagai teknik penerjemahan yang dominan karena menjadikan makna teks sasaran setara dengan teks sumber dengan kata-kata yang familiar dalam kamus atau yang umum digunakan dalam kegiatan sehari-hari.</em></p> 2024-07-19T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2022 Raehan Nur Taboo in Stand Up Comedy: A Case Study of Jimmy Carr’s Laughing and Joking 2013 2022-04-12T12:13:27+00:00 Qois Findo Adesty Nina Setyaningsih <p>ABSTRACT</p><p>This research is entitled<em> Taboo in Stand Up Comedy: A Case Study of Jimmy Carr’s Laughing and Joking 2013</em>. The data of this research were taken from all utterances containing taboo words found in the stand-up performance. The researchers used descriptive-qualitative method since the aim of this research is to analyze the taboo elements and describe the functions of taboo elements in Jimmy Carr’s stand up <em>Laughing and Joking 2013</em>. The framework used to analyze is Batistella (2005: 72). The steps to analyze the data in this study are classifying words and topics that contain taboo based on the framework, analyzing the types and functions of words that contain taboo, interpreting the data, and drawing conclusions according to the result. Based on the analysis, the researchers found 158 utterances containing taboo words. The most dominant taboo word is obscenity with 79 occurrences (49.07%) as a lot of utterances in the data contain sexual and excretory reference. Meanwhile, to draw attention to him is the most dominant function with 100 times appearance (89.29%) as it is a strategy to gain attention from audience. As a comedian or comic, Jimmy Carr makes some jokes in his show, which intended to entertain and to gain attention from the audiences easily. Therefore, using taboo words in his performance is necessary.</p><p><em>ABSTRAK</em></p><p><em>Penelitian ini berjudul “Taboo in Stand Up Comedy: A Case Study of Jimmy Carr’s Laughing and Joking 2013”. Data diperoleh dari sebuah video stand up milik Jimmy Carr dengan judul Laughing and Joking tahun 2013, berupa semua ujaran yang mengandung kata tabu. Peneliti menggunakan kualitatif deskriptif karena tujuan dari skripsi ini adalah untuk menganalisis kata-kata yang bermakna tabu beserta fungsinya. Peneliti menggunakan teori Batistella (2005: 72) mengenai 4 kategori kata dan fungsi tabu. Langkah-langkah penelitian mencakup mengklasifikasi kata dan topik yang bermakna tabu, menganalisis fungsi dari kata-kata tabu tersebut, menjabarkan hasil analisis, dan menarik kesimpulan. Dari analisis yang dilakukan, peneliti menemukan 158 ujaran yang mengandung tabu. Persentase paling tinggi 49.07% dimiliki oleh Obscenity dengan frekuensi kemunculan sebanyak 79 kali. Termasuk dalam kategori ini adalah kata-kata yang berhubungan dengan fungsi seksusal dan pembuangan. Sementara itu, persentase paling tinggi 89.29% dimiliki oleh To draw anttention to himself dengan frekuensi kemunculan sebanyak 100 kali. Salah satu dari 4 fungsi ini adalah salah satu teknik yang paling sering digunakan oleh Jimmy Carr untuk menarik perhatian penontonnya. Sebagai seorang komedian, Jimmy Carr menggunakan tabu sebagai strategi dengan tujuan untuk menghibur penontonnya. Maka dari itu, penggunaan kata tabu penting dalam stand up-nya.</em></p> 2024-07-19T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2022 Qois Findo Adesty