Proceedings of International Seminar on Translation, Applied Linguistics, Literature, and Cultural Studies 2023-11-08T09:46:21+00:00 Izza Ulumuddin Ahmad Asshofi Open Journal Systems Proceedings of International Seminar on Translation, Applied Linguistics, Literature, and Cultural Studies publishes articles presented in the seminar held annually by Faculty of Humanities, Universitas Dian Nuswantoro, Semarang, Indonesia. This seminar is attended by researchers, lecturers, students, and those interested in the fields of translation, applied linguistics, literature, and cultural sciences. Translation Techniques of Nautical Terms of Commander Ernest Krause in Geyhound Film by Aaron Schneider 2023-08-28T17:51:26+00:00 Ridho Revindo Putrawieka Achmad Basari This research entitled Translation Techniques of Nautical Terms of Commander Ernest Krause in Greyhound film by Aaron Schneider. The study aims to examine and identify the translation techniques of nautical term utterances in that film. In this study, the researchers used the descriptive qualitative method to assist and analyze the data. The object of the data is English as the source language and Indonesian as the target language. The theories of translation techniques are based on Molina and Albir (2002). The researchers found 70 data of nautical term utterances by the main character from the Greyhound film. The translation techniques are categorized separately with a percentage of the translation techniques as follows: Adaptation (3 data/ 4,29%), Amplification (1 data/ 1,43%), Borrowing (7 data/ 10%), Calque (1 data/ 1,43%), Description (4 data/5,71%), Established Equivalence (33 data/47,14%), Literal Translation (17 data/ 24,29%), Particularization (2 data/2,86%), and Reduction (2 data/2,86%). The result of the translation technique that often occurs the most for the utterances of the nautical term in Greyhound film is Established Equivalence. Furthermore, the translator applied the translation technique based on the official dictionary of both languages with the common term known as ‘equivalent’ and the messages remained the same. 2022-12-26T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2022 STRUKTURAL (Seminar on Translation, Applied Linguistics, Literature, and Cultural Studies) Types of Figurative Language in Maher Zain’s Song Lyric ‘Number One for Me’ Album 2023-08-28T18:12:17+00:00 Yovita Febriani Kakang This study aimed at identifying the types of figurative language and the meaning of figurative language found in the song lyrics of Maher Zain song "Number One for Me". There were two theories used in the study. The first was the theory of figurative language from Kennedy (1983), and the second was the theory of meaning by Leech (1974) to analyze the meaning of figurative language. The method used in this study was the qualitative method. The data were collected by reading the lyrics of Maher Zain song, identifying the types of figurative language, and analyzing the meaning. As a result of this analysis, the researcher found 3 types of figurative language found in song lyrics. They were simile consisted of 3(40%) words, the metaphor had 2 words (20%) and hyperbole consisted of 3(40%) words. The conceptual meaning was dominant in this analysis 2022-12-26T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2022 STRUKTURAL (Seminar on Translation, Applied Linguistics, Literature, and Cultural Studies) The Perception Of Domestic Tourists On Local Street Food In The Malioboro Area 2023-08-28T18:11:00+00:00 Latifah Awaliya Nikasisus Jonet Setyo Prasiyono Nugroho The development of street food in Malioboro creates diverse tourists. Diversity causes a different perception of traveler archipelago about wish taste, price, and quality service from local street food in Malioboro. Study this aim to identify the perception of the archipelago travel and its implication in increasing interest in traveler archipelago to the local street food in Malioboro. The research method used is method qualitative descriptive. Whereas the method of data collection research this conducted through questionnaires, interviews, observation field, documentation, and study library. method analysis in the study uses the theory of Milles &amp; Huberman (in Sugiyono, 2014) which includes: data reduction, data presentation, data retrieval decision/verification/ conclusion. Research results show that based on profile geography, Malioboro is dominated by traveler which originated from outside DIY. Based on profile demographics, Malioboro is dominated by tourists manifold sex females aged 17-26 years. Perception traveler archipelago about price, taste, and quality service from local street food in Malioboro get positive perception. Efforts conducted party UPT Malioboro to increase interested travelers street food local that is guard quality product food and drink, increase hygiene and sanitation on Terrace Malioboro 1 to provide a sense of security and comfort to travelers and procurement events on the Terrace Malioboro 1. 2022-12-26T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2022 STRUKTURAL (Seminar on Translation, Applied Linguistics, Literature, and Cultural Studies) Marine Tourism Development Strategi In Mapaddegat Beach, Mentawai Island Regency 2023-08-28T18:09:07+00:00 Enny Mulyantari Nuharani E Kurniyati Yudi Setiaji Setiaji Nathasia Putranto Waluyo Tourism development is directed at encouraging economic growth, increasing regional income, empowering the community's economy, expanding employment opportunities, creating business opportunity, and creating community welfare. Mentawai Island Regency, West Sumatra Province has many marine tourism objects, one of which is Mapaddegat Beach, which is in the North Sipora District. The right strategy is needed so that more tourists are interested in visiting Mapaddegat Beach attractions. The method used is descriptive qualitative with SWOT analysis. The results show the need to form a tourist village, and it is hoped that it can become an actor in developing the coast. Increase the awareness of the government and local communities in the development of Mapadegat beaches. by planning the construction of A3 Attractions, Accessibility, and Amenities, as well as implementing a sustainable tourism program. 2022-12-26T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2022 STRUKTURAL (Seminar on Translation, Applied Linguistics, Literature, and Cultural Studies) Sexist Concepts In Javanese Comedy: A Critical Discourse Analysis On Segawon's Dagelan 2023-08-28T18:07:45+00:00 Raden Handoyo Asrofin Kholifah Dagelan or Javanese comedy shows are the favorite entertainments for many people living in Java Island, Indonesia. They present male and female characters performing acts and dialogues specifically produced for comical effects. In such interaction, gender differences may easily become the topic of conversation as one gender (male, in particular) exploits them in such a way as to arise laughter. The concepts of ideal women in Javanese culture are used as a base to mock, criticize or underestimate female characters. Of course, sexism should be observed in its context as a part of a humorous presentation. It is still interesting, however, to analyze how cultural values are employed to discriminate against women, as done by a comedian named Segawon in his shows. The data were five dagelans of Segawon’s from which expressions of sexism were collected and analyzed to find the sexist concepts. It used CDA approach using Mills’ model as the tool of analysis. The findings show that there are six sexist concepts expressed by Segawon in his comedy shows. They are: 1) males as the norm, women are dependent, 2) women are weak, lacking in strength and ability, 3) negative evaluation of women, 4) glorifying the maltreatment/mistreatment of women, 5) women are no more than possessions, 6) valuing women based on their appearance rather than their intelligence or personality. These concepts were expressed using various ways like imperative utterances, questions, metaphors, associations, hyperboles, vulgar words and idioms. 2022-12-26T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2022 STRUKTURAL (Seminar on Translation, Applied Linguistics, Literature, and Cultural Studies) Figurative Language in Justin Bieber’s Selected Songs 2023-08-28T18:04:14+00:00 Anastasya Purnamaliana I Gusti Ayu Mahatma Agung This research aims to identify the figurative language employed in Justin Bieber’s songs and interpret the meanings of the lyrics. The descriptive qualitative method was used in this study. The data was taken from the song lyrics of Justin Bieber’s selected songs. After the data was collected, it was analyzed using the theory proposed by Reaske (1996). The results of the data analysis show that there are five types of figurative language found in Justin Bieber’s song lyrics. They are simile, personification, paradox, symbolism, and repetition. Personification is the form of figurative language that is most commonly used in the song lyrics. 2022-12-26T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2022 STRUKTURAL (Seminar on Translation, Applied Linguistics, Literature, and Cultural Studies) The Challenges of the Lampung Cikoneng People in the Midst of the “Lampung Cadang” Presumption 2023-08-28T18:02:49+00:00 Linda Sari Wulandari Multamia R.M.T. Lauder M. Alie Humaedi Sri Munawarah Lampung people was not just stay in the province of Lampung. One of the migration places for Lampung people are Serang, Banten. They inhabit four villages in Cikoneng Village, Serang, Banten. However, there is an assumption by the people in Lampung that the people of Lampung Cikoneng were "Lampung Cadang". The term had created a polemic among the people of Lampung Cikoneng because it has a negative connotation, namely that they are considered to damage the Lampung language because it shows some differences with the Lampung languages in Lampung. The situation and conditions of the Lampung Cikoneng language as described in the language wave theory. The further away from the homeland (the area of origin of language) will be seen the difference in lexicon and phonological. This is a natural phenomenon according to linguistic ecology. The aims were to determine the existence Lampung Cikoneng language. This study uses a qualitative method based on direct observations, interviews, and literature reviews. Based on observations, the Lampung Cikoneng language still exists. It can be seen that the Lampung Cikoneng language still survives even though the children of the next generation of Lampung Cikoneng people are still fluent in Lampung Cikoneng. This shows that there is a challenge to maintain the customs of the Lampung people. They can also show their identity as Lampung Cikoneng people. There has been a process of reformulating the identity of the Lampung Cikoneng community which is realized with the concept of Lampung Sai (Lampung Unity) in the Cikoneng. 2022-12-26T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2022 STRUKTURAL (Seminar on Translation, Applied Linguistics, Literature, and Cultural Studies) Morphological Causative Construction In Rote Languege 2023-08-28T18:01:33+00:00 Agnes Maria Diana Rafael The article deals with the study of morphology causative constructions Rote Language (RL). As a language which belongs to Austronesian language family, typologically, the morphology type of RL is an agglutinating. It is a language that has an affixation process as a strategy to form new words. The primary data in this study were written document data, such as folklore, the online article written used the language, and Bible written in RL. The secondary data are interviews, in aim to confirm the accuracy of the primary data with the linguistic intuition of RL native speakers. In the data processing process, all recorded data, either written or verbal, are observed, classified, sorted, and grouped based on the similarity of verb behavior and structure. The result of analysis shows RL uses pronoun copy system, which is a phenomenon of subject and verb agreement. The causative verbs in RL marked by the presence of pronoun copys ?-, m-, n-, l- and t- and marked by the presence of prefix aka-. This condition is caused by the strength of the pronoun copy in attaching to more than one syntactic category. Pronoun copys also have the ability to attach to numbers of basic verbs. The construction of causative verbs as the following: pronoun copy ? + prefix aka- becomes aka-, pronoun copy m + prefix aka- becomes maka-, pronoun copy n- + aka- becomes naka-, pronoun copy l- + prefix aka- becomes laka-, and pronoun copy t- + aka- becomes taka-. Hence, aka-, naka-, laka-, and taka-, will marked the verbs to form causative verbs in the language as the morphological process in forming a new causative verb in RL. 2022-12-26T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2022 STRUKTURAL (Seminar on Translation, Applied Linguistics, Literature, and Cultural Studies) Penglipuran Bali Tourism Village (The Third Cleanest Village in the World) 2023-08-28T17:59:34+00:00 Gent Dhika Wardhana Devia Elsa Valeria Tika Nur Awalina Syaiful Ade Septemuryantoro Bali is one of the provinces in Indonesia that is already widely known by local and international people because of its extraordinary natural beauty. Bali has its charm that makes tourists never get bored to come back to Bali. Natural preservation, friendly Balinese people, and also the culture that is still maintained now are the main attractions for tourists who come to Bali. The beauty of Bali tourism has also received many national and international awards, making Bali tourism continue to be maintained by the Balinese people themselves. A proud achievement for Indonesia has been achieved by one of the tourist attractions in Bali, namely Penglipuran Bali Tourism Village. This village received the cleanest village award in the world. Penglipuran village is one of the tours in Bali which is very popular with foreign tourists and also local tourists who are traveling in Bali. Penglipuran Bali Tourism Village has a calm and cool atmosphere because Penglipuran village is the third cleanest village in the world, after Mawlynnong village in India and Giethoorn in the Netherlands.<br />The research method used is descriptive qualitative where we look for the charms and advantages of the Penglipuran Bali Tourism Village through articles, news, and journals that have been reviewed and searched for the truth and then reassembled in the topic that we will write about.<br />Penglipuran Bali Tourism Village is one of the tours in Bali which is very liked by foreign tourists and also local tourists who are traveling in Bali. This village is famous as one of the tourist attractions in Bali because the community still preserves traditional Balinese culture in their daily life. The cool air in the Penglipuran Bali Tourism Village due to the lack of air pollution and also maintaining and upholding the existing ancestral customs have made the people in the Penglipuran Bali Tourism Village succeeded in building tourism that benefits the entire community without losing their culture and traditions 2022-12-26T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2022 STRUKTURAL (Seminar on Translation, Applied Linguistics, Literature, and Cultural Studies) the strategies of song translation in disney sofia the first theme song 2023-08-28T17:57:35+00:00 Faizah Al Azza Raden Arief Nugroho The translation is the activity of translating a word or text from one language into another language without changing the original meaning from the source language. One of the famous translating activities is translating a song into another language. The song is a piece of music that contains rhythm and rhyme, then combines with melody and vocals. A song can be translated into another language to expand the reach of the song and also the popularity itself, but of course by maintaining several aspects like the authenticity of the original lyrics, rhythm, and rhyme. In this study, the researcher presents translation strategies applied in Sofia the First Theme Song. Comparing the source text to the translated text using translation strategies by Lefevere’s theory. 2022-12-26T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2022 STRUKTURAL (Seminar on Translation, Applied Linguistics, Literature, and Cultural Studies) Morphophonemic Analysis on Prefix ‘Ma’ in Verbs of Toba Batak 2023-08-28T23:08:05+00:00 Magdalena Br Marpaung Language is hierarchically realized in sound, morph, words, phrases, clauses, sentences, paragraphs, and text. Toba Batak as one of the Austronesian languages has the same content, one of them is the realization of the prefix ma- in verbs. The realization of the prefix ma- in verbs of Toba Batak, in this study is analyzed in two parts (1) morphemic analysis and (2) phonemic analysis. This study is conducted by applying the observation as the instrument on an online dictionary of Toba Batak. After observing 146 verbs with the prefix ma-, the following findings are defined. Firstly, the prefix ma- is realized in 5 (five) morphemesin verbs of Toba Batak, they are ma-, man-, mam-, mang-, and manga- . Secondly, phonemically, the realization of the prefix ma- in verbs of Toba Batak defined three types of sound assimilation which are classified by the voicing characteristics. The finding defined that verbs begin with vowels, semi-vowels, and all voiced consonants have regressive and additional phonemes in their sounds of assimilation, the additional phonemes are before the lexemes by added the existence of phonemes [n, m, ?] or nasals, however, all the verbs begin by voiceless consonants have reciprocal/mutual and changing the phonemes in the sound assimilation, in this finding the bilabial sound of [p] is turned into [m] or homorganic, and sound [t, s] is turned into [n] or alveolar homorganic. This study also defined that all verbs that begin by nasal have no sound assimilation in their attachment 2022-12-01T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 STRUKTURAL (Seminar on Translation, Applied Linguistics, Literature, and Cultural Studies) The Local Wisdom ‘Tri Hita Karana’ Implementation for Sustainable Tourism 2023-08-28T23:09:02+00:00 Wayan Nurita I Dewa Ayu Devi Maharani Santika Bali is still the world's best tourist destination. One of the tourist attractions is the hospitality of the Balinese according to Travel Leisure, which has named it the third best island in the world in 2022. Detik Travel has also named Bali as the happiest tourist destination in the world because of its beautiful scenery and friendly people. In addition to formal education in schools as forming skills and service ethics in the world of tourism, Balinese people are also forged in the family and community environment through local wisdom as expressed by Plato (in Liliweri, 2014), local wisdom as a complete library that is more valuable than all other wealth. One of the local wisdoms in Bali is "Tri Hita Karana" (Tri = three, Hita = prosperous, Karana = cause) which means three main things that lead to the welfare and prosperity of human life. Tri Hita Karana in everyday life requires a balance of relationships between humans and God, humans and humans, also human and nature. This study discusses the implementation of Tri Hita Karana as a foundation for sustainable tourism. This research method is a field research method and literature study refer to the ideas of Nazir (1988). Data collection techniques is according to the idea of Sugiyono (2005). The theory used is the theory of sustainable tourism by Gunawan and Oliver Otis (2012). The research location is in Denpasar City and Badung Regency, Bali. Based on the results of the study, it was found that the local wisdom of Tri Hita Karana made the world of tourism in Bali sustainable because of the balance between God (religious activities), humans (services), and nature (nature and cultural reserves). 2022-12-01T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 STRUKTURAL (Seminar on Translation, Applied Linguistics, Literature, and Cultural Studies) Lexicons in the Wura Bongi Monca Dance in Bima District 2023-08-28T23:09:55+00:00 I Gede Budasi Made Sri Indriani I Ketut Trika Adi Ana This ecolinguistic research aimed to describe the lexicons and cultural meaning of the movement, clothing, and musical instruments of the Wura Bongi Monca dance. The setting of the study was Paju Monca Studio-Bima EIT. From 3 selected informants, 19 related lexicons were found in the dance. In the dance movement, there are seven lexicons: two lexicons, namely ' nemba' respectful gesture, and 'lampa lu'u ' foot movement, belong to the opening structure; In its core structure, there were three lexicons: ' lele kui' left-handed, ' lele wana' right-handed, and 'lele bali bae' both-handed, were found. In its closing one, there were two lexicons: ' nemba' salute and ' lampa losa ' out foot. In the clothing part, there were eight lexicons(3 located on the head): ' jungge' flowers, ' jungge dondo decorations that fall apart in a bun, and ' sanggul.' On the head, there are four lexicons: 'satampa dinc' wrist strap, ' tembe songket’ blue songket sarong,' poro shirt,' ' salepe' belt, ' boko bongi monc' a yellow rice bowel. On its musical instruments, there were four lexicons: ' 2 Gendang' (a set of genda mbojo), ' 1 katongga ' (medium size gong), ' 1 small gong ', and ' 1 silu ' (serunai). The cultural meaning of the lexicons of the dance movements reflects the meaning of female Bimanese characters that impresses politeness, unity, togetherness, firmness, and elegance. The lexicons of his clothes stand for glory, courage, chastity, and elegance, and the lexicons of its musical instruments stand for strength, life, enthusiasm, and pride of female Bimanese in supporting the Bima kingdom. 2022-12-01T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 STRUKTURAL (Seminar on Translation, Applied Linguistics, Literature, and Cultural Studies) Politeness Strategies as Form of Hospitality in the Field of Tourism in Japanese Restaurants 2023-08-28T23:10:48+00:00 Anak Agung Ayu Dian Andriyani Ida Ayu Putri Gita Ardiantar Wayan Nurita I Komang Sulatra This qualitative study aimed to find politeness strategies in the interaction of consumers and staff in Japanese restaurants. The primary data source is in the form of dialogue that occurs during the interaction between staff and tourists both local and foreigners as consumers. The data were taken from ten Japanese restaurants in Denpasar City with a very high intensity of buyer visits. The observation method was applied in collecting the data and the techniques used were recording the interactions, listening to the conversation, and taking notes which was supported by interviewing ten Japanese restaurant staff and consumers. The pragmatic equivalent approach is a basic reference for research because it pays attention to the context of the situation in each dialogue. The results showed that there is an implementation of negative politeness strategies focusing on the use of a variety of respect at the beginning of the meeting regardless of local and international consumers as well as polite speech and respectful attitude; and the existence of positive politeness strategies by closing the distance through friendly service, paying attention to visiting tourists. In addition, the Japanese culture of interaction in the form of hospitality is highly applied. Therefore, the services provided provide comfort to consumers as if they were in Japan. This phenomenon provides an illustration that the application of appropriate politeness strategies in Japanese restaurants is a form of implementation of hospitality to consumers. 2022-12-01T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 STRUKTURAL (Seminar on Translation, Applied Linguistics, Literature, and Cultural Studies) Grammatical Cohesion in Children Novel “The Velveteen Rabbit” by Margery Williams 2023-08-28T23:11:53+00:00 Della Marta Shelviana Sri Mulatsih This study aims to find out the grammatical cohesion in the children’s novel “The Velveteen Rabbit” by Margery Williams. The researcher used the grammatical cohesion concept of Halliday and Hassan as the framework to investigate the grammatical cohesion used in the children’s novel “The Velveteen Rabbit” by Margery Williams. In English, cohesion consists of two kinds of cohesion, they are grammatical cohesion (reference, substitution, ellipsis, conjunction) and lexical cohesion (repetition, synonymy, antonymy, hyponymy, meronymy, collocation). This study focuses on the grammatical cohesion used in the data. This study used qualitative methods to get a better understanding. The researcher used a children’s novel by Margery William the titled “The Velveteen Rabbit” as the data. The collected data of grammatical cohesion has a total of 292 words, they are; 226 references; 4 substitutions, this category divided into two and there are 3 nominal substitutions and 1 verbal substitution; and there are 62 conjunctions, this category divided into four, there are 7 temporal conjunctions, 4 causal conjunctions, 35 additive conjunctions, and 16 adversative conjunctions 2022-12-01T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 STRUKTURAL (Seminar on Translation, Applied Linguistics, Literature, and Cultural Studies) The Semiotic of Traffic Sign in Bali 2023-08-28T23:12:52+00:00 Fauzan Abdillah Akbar This study investigated the shape of the traffic symbol, the significance of the colors, and the traffic sign’s meaning. A descriptive qualitative method was applied in this study. The collected data used the method including documentation and observation. The data were sorted in accordance with the criteria, the design of the traffic symbol, and its significance. This kind of data analysis was known as a descriptive analysis. The information was supplied as a word description. As a result, there were three different types of traffic symbols used to show a warning, restriction, direction, and information. The signs had colors blue, red, yellow, green, and black as well as background colors red, yellow, green, white, and blue were discovered to be traffic signs. Every traffic sign color had meaning like red as a ban, yellow as a warning, blue as direction, green as an instruction, and white as information. 2022-12-01T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 STRUKTURAL (Seminar on Translation, Applied Linguistics, Literature, and Cultural Studies) Rethinking The Sustainable Tourism Strategy to Recover the Economy After Covid-19 Outbreak Case Studies: Bali, Indonesia 2023-08-28T23:14:02+00:00 Ida Ayu Candrawati Ni Kadek Dian Pitriyani Bali's economy is highly reliant on tourism activities. However, the Covid-19 outbreak led to unprecedented shock to the economy and it had not recovered yet until 2022. This study aims to examine how sustainable tourism in Bali constituted to the resilience of the Balinese economy before and during the Covid-19 pandemic (2019-2021). The variables considered are the level of regional GDP and labor characteristics which were analyzed utilizing statistics descriptive. The results of the study indicate that the multiplier effect of the tourism sector before the pandemic has not been able to sustainably develop other business fields to continue to grow in the midst of the global crisis. In addition, the shift in the percentage of workers in the tourism sector (providers of accommodation and food and drink) to the agriculture, trade, and manufacturing industry did not affect the value-added created to Bali’s regional GDP. This study recommends optimizing the development of sustainable tourism with the interconnectedness with non-tourism business fields in terms of added value to regional GRDP and business fields. 2022-12-01T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 STRUKTURAL (Seminar on Translation, Applied Linguistics, Literature, and Cultural Studies) Aizuchi by Native Speaker and Foreign Speaker on Online Media 2023-08-29T06:47:25+00:00 Meliana Rista Utami Bayu Aryanto This work aims to describe the form and function of aizuchi that appears in Miku Real Japanese's youtube video. This is an interview between Japanese native speaker and Japanese foreign speaker about learning Japanese. The type of this study is a descriptive qualitative study with aizuchi form theory according to Horiguchi Sumiko and aizuchi function theory according to Kubota Mayumi. The technique to collect the data was conducted through listening and note-taking techniques to calculate the frequency of the appearance of aizuchi then analyzed to describe the form and function of aizuchi. The results found that there were 341 aizuchi appearances consisting of 199 from native speaker and 142 from foreign speaker of Japanese. The forms of aizuchi spoken by speakers include aizuchishi, kurikaeshi, iikae, and sonota. On the other hand, the functions of aizuchi spoken by both speakers include sign of listening, sign of understanding, sign of agreement, sign of denying, sign of expressing feelings, sign for connecting pauses, sign for adding,correcting, and asking information. 2022-12-01T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 STRUKTURAL (Seminar on Translation, Applied Linguistics, Literature, and Cultural Studies) Health Protocol Standart Warung Semawis Semarang 2023-08-29T06:48:15+00:00 Cahya Widya Permatasari Sulestyaningsih Galuh Rizqi Ananta Rizqi Ananta Indah Indah Syaiful Ade Septemuryantoro Semawis Market, which we know as Warung Semawis, is a night market held by residents of Chinatown in Semarang City. The semawis stall opened on July 15, 2005, and every Friday- Sunday. In 2020, there were obstacles to semawis stall tourism. The question studied in the formulation of this research problem is how are the standard health protocols inherited? the purpose of the theme of this report is to examine standard health protocols based on their causes;(1) Accessibility, (2) Accommodation, and (3) Tourists. The facilities in this study are;(1) to examine the advantages and disadvantages of standardized health protocols in warung semawis, (2) to examine the standard components of semawis stalls, (3) to the causes of health protocol standards being in warung semawis. The data collection method uses observation and interview techniques. The collected data were analyzed using qualitative descriptive methods. The result of this study is the description of a trigger for the existence of standard health protocols in Semarang city. The results of this study can later provide input in the development of semawis stall tourist attractions. This input is intended for the tourism managers of semawis stalls and the Central Java Tourism Office. So the conclusion that can be obtained from the results of this study is that the standard health protocols offered as long as necessary to be applied to increase potential in the economic field. As well as making the tourist attraction a safe and comfortable place to increase knowledge, especially regarding cultural uniformity 2022-12-01T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 STRUKTURAL (Seminar on Translation, Applied Linguistics, Literature, and Cultural Studies) A Diphthong Pronunciation Analysis Uttered by EFL Students in Microteaching Class Practice 2023-08-28T23:04:38+00:00 Aulya Cahyaningrum The status of English as an important language is a fitting case in Indonesia. However, the fact of EFL (English as Foreign Language) creates issues when the students need to fully and correctly learn English. As a result, Indonesian students need help cause of their struggle to achieve a high level of English proficiency. The purpose of this study is to use a descriptive-qualitative method to analyze diphthong sounds made by 25 sixth-semester English Education students. The data were obtained from video teaching recordings of the Reflective Microteaching class. The result is that there are still many students mispronouncing [e?]. [??], [??], [a?], [??], [o?], and [a?] because some factors that should be under of consideration forward. 2023-01-26T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 STRUKTURAL (Seminar on Translation, Applied Linguistics, Literature, and Cultural Studies) Language politeness as an indicator of the character of students in the Indonesian Language Education Study Program (PBI) at iqra buru university in the era of the industrial revolution 4.0 2023-08-29T06:49:05+00:00 Musyawir Musyawir This study aims to determine the relationship between language politeness and the character of students of the Indonesian Language Education Study Program, Iqra Buru University and efforts to improve language politeness of students of the Indonesian Language Education Study Program, Iqra Buru University. This study uses a descriptive qualitative approach. Descriptive qualitative research approach is research that emphasizes the analysis of the process of inference, induction and deduction and is related to the relationship between phenomena that exist in students at the Indonesian Language Education Study Program, Iqra Buru University. Based on the results of the literature review that has been carried out, information is obtained that: 1) there is a relationship between language politeness and the character of PBI students. The politeness of the language of PBI students is in accordance with the character of the student. Students who have good language politeness tend to have good character and 2) there are several ways to improve the politeness of PBI students, namely by 1) using social media as a platform to practice speaking politely, 2) getting used to speaking politely in lectures, and 3) use good and correct Indonesian when carrying out teaching practices 2022-12-01T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 STRUKTURAL (Seminar on Translation, Applied Linguistics, Literature, and Cultural Studies) Asean Toolboxes Standard Application in Receptionist Shceme for Hospitality Management’s Students in Dian Nuswantoro University 2023-08-28T23:07:08+00:00 Siaw Armando Handoyo Muhammad Askha Rafliansyach Wijaya Dedi Joko Purnomo Izza Ulumuddin Ahmad Asshofi <span id="docs-internal-guid-b2d337ea-7fff-d15d-63e2-094522402a0c"><span>The front office is one of the most important departments in hotel management. One of the sub-divisions in the Front Office department is the receptionist. As the front-line department that is directly in contact with guests, it is really important to have qualified members to give the best service to the guest. There are some required skills in order to be a good receptionist such as communication, quick decision-making, and managerial skills. At Dian Nuswantoro University, specifically, the students of the hospitality management major, have been taught receptionist skills. The problems occur when many students are not able to perform their receptionist ability in English. They can achieve further skill development with a competency standard for the purpose of honing either of their skills using the Asean Toolboxes standard that requires the student to fully speak in English. The authors are collecting evidence on the receptionist scheme of this ASEAN Toolboxes standard using qualitative descriptive methods through observation directly to the students involved. As a result, we found that the students that are considered competent are able to demonstrate receptionist competency in English and qualified for ASEAN Toolboxes Standard which is recognized in 11 ASEAN countries.</span></span> 2022-12-01T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 STRUKTURAL (Seminar on Translation, Applied Linguistics, Literature, and Cultural Studies) A Good Practical Use of Digitizing in the Digital Tourism Sub-sector 2023-08-29T06:50:10+00:00 Reinaldi Reinaldi Syaiful Ade Septemuryantoro The Writer uses the Library Research method in writing this article. The first way to run a business is to find the right idea. Usually, ideas sold in the sector of a business will increase profits for the company that sells and consumers who buy the idea (the form of the idea is usually in the form of a product or service). The process of selling can occur because of market demand that has a reasonable enough reason so that there is a dependence made by consumers in meeting their needs. In this case, it can be concluded that a product is the core component of an online business. The digitization process itself is how a company changes the way it markets its products which initially used the old conventional such as word-of-mouth marketing. This method is still relevant and can be used in marketing a product, but in its application in the real world, there are better things in marketing the product. An example of the application of the digitization process is the creation of a website for the product. In this case, the product of tourism can be called digital tourism because creating a website, can make it easier to increase the exposure of a product so that it is expected to add value that is sold and needed by consumers who will meet their needs 2022-12-01T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 STRUKTURAL (Seminar on Translation, Applied Linguistics, Literature, and Cultural Studies) Exploring Local Values in Language through Sundanese Culinary Proper Name from A Cognitive Onomastics Perspective 2023-08-29T06:51:04+00:00 Elvi Citraresmana Lusi Susilawati This article discusses the essence of exploring local values through the proper names. The research aims to reveal the local values based on the mental existence of proper names through Cognitive Onomastics. The research method applied is a qualitative one. First, the researchers collected the data from various sources, such as brochures, restaurant menus, and observation. Next, this research investigated the proper culinary names, which originated in West Java and are well-known by people outside West Java. Then, the morphological and morphophonemic processes are applied to explore the local value through mental existence in line with Cognitive Onomastics. To conclude, this study indicates two morphological processes; reduplication and acronym. In addition, the Sundanese culinary proper name reflects the local values since the proper name is an ethnic mental lexicon that consists of an individual mental lexicon. 2022-12-01T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 STRUKTURAL (Seminar on Translation, Applied Linguistics, Literature, and Cultural Studies) Design of Teaching Method Using Hybrid System on Barista and Bartender Practice in Udinus 2023-08-29T06:52:06+00:00 Yoseph Nicolaus Rachma Hani Rahayuning Safitri Joseph Aldo Irawan Emik Rahayu The development of the hospitality world goes parallel with the world of providing food and beverage services. One part of the provision of food and beverage services which is starting to have many connoisseurs is the barista and bartender. Baristas and bartenders are generally known as coffee brewers. Currently able to make a big change, where every year this profession has increased in popularity quite rapidly. All of this is because coffee has become a favorite drink of the community, both among young people and workers to make their work more productive. Based on these opportunities, baristas and bartenders began to become one of the courses in the UDINUS hospitality management study program as practical courses. Welcoming the post-pandemic learning method, UDINUS applies a hybrid system in the learning process. The application of the lecture method with this hybrid system takes into account the circumstances and effectiveness of the teaching and learning process of lecturers and students. The learning method has pros and cons for students. With qualitative descriptive research methods and data collection through interviews. The author seeks to find out the impact of the hybrid system during lectures on student understanding regarding the delivery of learning material, especially in barista and bartender courses. The search for the best teaching method can be seen based on the following research results, as a consideration for the application of a hybrid system in theoretical and practical lectures for barista and bartender learning, so that students can understand these courses optimally. 2022-12-01T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 STRUKTURAL (Seminar on Translation, Applied Linguistics, Literature, and Cultural Studies) Topeng Ireng Sekar Rimba: The Most Popular Traditional Dance Performance in Magelang 2023-08-29T06:53:26+00:00 Andreas Deni Kuncoro Rizky Dwi Hayunarso Fransisca Joane Putri Syaiful Ade Septemuryantoro Topeng Ireng is popular traditional dance performance in central java,especially in magelang.there are so many topeng ireng dance groups in magelang,topeng ireng sekar rimba is one of the topeng ireng dance group that people are talking about right now.topeng ireng sekar rimba is an traditional dance show that can be enjoyed by all circles of society, so it is not surprising that the topeng ireng sekar rimba in one performance can be filled by thousands of viewers.People flocked to see topeng ireng sekar rimba performance because topeng ireng sekar rimba presented a magnificent dance performance on stage like a music concert,what the audience looks forward to the most is the strains of traditional music combined with dangdut koplo music,as well as the special voice of singers who make the audience dancing together.Of course, with a lot of people coming to watch a topeng ireng sekar rimba,can spoil the economy of of them is food and drink dealers.The writing method used is using a qualitative method, by collecting information from several journals, articles, scientific works, as well as making direct observations in the field during the topeng ireng sekar rimba dance show. 2022-12-01T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 STRUKTURAL (Seminar on Translation, Applied Linguistics, Literature, and Cultural Studies) Scientised Lexes of Local Skincare Products 2023-08-29T06:54:30+00:00 Asrofin Nur Kholifah In mediascape, women are overrun by alluring beauty products which claims for their promising improvement to women appearance. Often the advertisements boost the connection between beauty and science. Even, contemporary western advertising is often saturated with references to DNA, cell coding, systems and formulas, in addition to scientific sounding ingredients such as hyaluronic acid, bioactive glycoproteins, and biotechnological peptides (Ringrow, 2019).This paper, thus, attempts to disclose these ‘scientised’ lexes of the local beauty products particularly skincare series as well as to reveal the use of scientific language as marketing strategies. The most top three popular brands, MS Glow, Scarlett Whitening and Somethinc serve the corpus. Focusing on the skincare series, the researcher picked out the data then interpreted them descriptively. The results demonstrated that these top three brands employed scientised lexes such as retinol/retinoid, Niacinamide, salicylic acid, Tranexamoyl Dipeptide-23 and hyaluronic acid most of which are perceptibly beneficial to solve aging issue. These products range from whitening day cream, night cream, serum, moisturizer cream, and toner. These scientific lexes are selected by the producers to achieve product authenticity, product efficacy and consumer reassurance. By these ‘scientifically magic’ ingredients, it helps boosting women skin for continual improved appearance. The motto of the MS Glow company which is the Magic for Skin, from which the MS derived, confirms this premise 2022-12-01T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 STRUKTURAL (Seminar on Translation, Applied Linguistics, Literature, and Cultural Studies) Character Exploration of the “Dolphin Song” Novel 2023-08-29T06:55:58+00:00 Annisa Izzati Aulia Literature is a linguistic, emotive, and artistically marked medium for expressing emotions or social life-related imagery. The main character in Dolphin Song goes through both internal and exterior difficulties, which are the center of this study. This book was written by Lauren St. John and published on July 1st, 2008. The informal presentation of the information will use material from The Dolphin Song. Researchers typically use informal presentations because this method enables the description and explanation of research results from the outputs of the analysis to be undertaken. What environmental issues are emphasized in Lauren St. John's novel Dolphin Song? is the topic that this study tries to answer. The researchers evaluate the environmental obstacles in order to address the research issue by using the synthesised theory of plot from Freytag and Tasrif as well as a study conducted by Anand (2013) as references. In this inquiry, formalist and ecocritical methods were employed. Exploitation of natural resources and pollution are the two environmental issues that the novel's plot raises. The author also highlights the issue of underwater noise pollution. The author also discusses the effects of LFA sonar on marine biodiversity. The researcher is particularly interested in the struggles of the major characters, as well as in the way that reading books can provide information, which is why this study was done. 2022-12-01T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 STRUKTURAL (Seminar on Translation, Applied Linguistics, Literature, and Cultural Studies) The Analysis of Verbal and Visual Signs Found in Clothes Advertisements 2023-08-29T06:56:56+00:00 I Gede Apriana Desak Putu Eka Pratiw Putu Eka Pratiwi This study research report entitled "The Analysis of Verbal and Visual Signs of Clothing Advertisements", explains verbal and visual signs in advertisements. This study also analyzes verbal and visual signs that support advertising on clothing and the function and meaning of verbal and visual signs. The formal method of the set of findings presents the results of the analysis by using picture to show verbal and non-verbal signs according to the advertisement chosen as the data source. There are two theories used in this research. The first theory is semiotic theory proposed by Saussure (1983: 89). The second theory is theory of meaning by Barthes (1977: 89) and the supporting theory of color by Wierzbicka (1996). The data is taken from website posts of Uniqlo, H&amp;M and Forever 21. This research data collection was carried diout by downloading advertising posts from internet, viewing the post and taking screenshots of the post to understand the signs of the advertisements posting carefully. Verbal signs in advertisements use effective meaning to attract people's interest in the product. The expressive function is used to provide information from the message the reader will be able to capture the message from the advertisement. The information function tends to be one of the most important, conveying information from the speaker/writer/listener/reader. The dominant conceptual meaning uses information from language, the visual sign in the ad is the image. Images are used to make advertisements look cool, impressive and attractive. Regarding the results, meaning and function of the signs found in advertising, the meaning and function of signs can be detected from making advertisements that tell information about clothing brands, to selling or promoting their products and also to create brand image and consumers are able to understand the meaning of the advertisements 2022-12-01T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 STRUKTURAL (Seminar on Translation, Applied Linguistics, Literature, and Cultural Studies) Emprit Gantil Game as Alternative Media for Folklore Learning in the Kampung Budaya Piji Wetan Kudus Culture Village 2023-08-29T06:58:07+00:00 Tsania Laila Magfiroh Zainal Arifin A kind of traditional-oral literature that has widely been spread in Indonesian Javanese culture is folklore. However, the Javanese people rarely understand it and they are uninterested in it. This is due to its performance which seems old-fashioned and monotonous. For this, the Kampung Budaya Piji Wetan Culture Village made a game based on the village folklore around the slopes of Mount Muria as a medium for folklore learning in the village. The study aimed to describe (1) the background of the Emprit Gantil game in the Piji Wetan Kudus Culture Village, (2) the revitalization of folklore carried out by the Kampung Budaya Piji Wetan Kudus Culture Village in the form of games, and (3) the effectiveness and benefit of the Emprit Gantil game in learning. This study used a descriptive-qualitative method. The data included information of folklore and the game of Emprit Gantil. The data sources covered the informants, performance events, games, and documents. The data collection techniques employed interviews, observations, and document analysis. The technique of data analysis used an interactive model. The result of the study shows that the folklore learning system at schools used a monotonous system and did not discuss local folklore. Similarly, it shows that the Emprit Gantil game was part of the cultural activity program in the Piji Wetan Cultured Village that performed folklore in the form of games derived from folklore in the village around the slopes of Mount Muria. Also, it states the effectiveness of the Emprit Gantil game as a folklore education medium for the millennial generation introduced by the Kampung Budaya Piji Wetan. This study describes the Emprit Gantil game and the efforts to make folklore as educational media in the Kampung Budaya Piji Wetan Culture Village. 2022-12-01T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 STRUKTURAL (Seminar on Translation, Applied Linguistics, Literature, and Cultural Studies) Molecular Gastronomi Methods in Es Teller: Jellification Technique 2023-08-29T06:59:29+00:00 Setyo Prasiyono Nugroho Bima Dwi Cahyanto Hermawan Prasetyanto This study is an experimental study in which the purpose of this study is to analyze the application of molecular gastronomy methods to es teler dishes by using jellification as a processing method, in order to it looks more attractive, serving practical and its storing. The application of this method is still rarely used in modifying traditional products, therefore the authors use this method in the process of making es teler by substituting 100% of the method of making es teler products, while maintaining the same taste as the real es teler products. The sampling technique used in this study is purposive sampling with research instruments in the form of interviews and questionnaires which were distributed to 15 panelists of the Pastry Chef and Pastry Commissary who worked in fivestar hotels in Yogyakarta. This research uses organoleptic test with hedonic test technique which focuses on sensory characteristic analysis of es teler molecular gastronomy which includes taste, aroma, color, texture and appearance. The results of this experimental research show that most of the panelists like the shape and es teler presentation which has been modified by molecular gastronomy method by using jellification technique. In addition, es teler with the molecular method is more practical in storage and it is easier to serve. 2022-12-01T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Proceedings of Seminar on Translation, Applied Linguistics, Literature, and Cultural Studies The Philosophy Meaning of nDalem Prince Joyokusomo’s House (Gadri Resto) as a Cultural Tourism Attraction 2023-08-29T07:01:52+00:00 Sahlit Sugesti Saryani Saryani Gunawan Yulianto Setyo Prasiyono Nugroho This study seeks to describe whether Gadri Resto can be a cultural tourism attraction. This study uses a descriptive method to try to describe the uniqueness and originality of the Javanese house in nDalem Prince Joyokusumo's House (Gadri Resto). The method of the data collection consists of literature study, observation, and interview. Interviews are used to find out information in-depth from the informants. The results show that the tourists who come to Gadri Resto are very impressed with the uniqueness of the Gadri Resto building, where the uniqueness lies in te Gadri Resto building which has a Javanese house concept, consisting of Pendopo, Peringgitan, Sentong Tengah, Sentong Tengen, Sentong Kiwo, Gadri and Pawon which has a function and philosophy to make a cultural tourist attraction for tourists who visit the place. 2022-12-01T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Proceedings of Seminar on Translation, Applied Linguistics, Literature, and Cultural Studies The Existence of Shawl Dance Culture in Pemalang 2023-08-29T07:02:52+00:00 Anggita Prameswari Putri Salsabila Zafika Dea Iftitah Syaiful Ade Septemuryantoro The purpose of this study was to describe and analyze the Selendang Dance Culture in Pemalang. Selendang Pemalang Dance is a typical dance of Pemalang Regency which was created by Pemalang artist Koestoro in 1985. The development of Selendang Pemalang Dance over time made the Pemalang regency government give an award to Pemalang Selendang Dance, as a typical dance of Pemalang Regency through a decree of the Pemalang Regency Regent on 17 September 2012. This decision is proof that the system has the power to perform, control, organize, and express the potential of regional art that is integrated in the symbolic process. This system connects artists, district heads, local government, tourism councils, and the Pemalang community in a value system for their regional identity. Dance performances at certain ceremonies are used as a tool to show authority. The style of dance performance as a ceremony involving the Regent is a form of imagery that is used as a means of increasing the level of authority. Selendeng Pemalang Dance has its own characteristics that can be seen through the relationship between elements of motion, accompaniment, make-up, and clothing. This type of qualitative research with analytical descriptive method. The object of research is the Selendang Dance Culture in Pemalang. Data collection techniques were carried out by means of library research, observation, and documentation. The steps in analyzing the data are data collection, data presentation, data reduction, and making conclusions. 2022-12-01T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Proceedings of Seminar on Translation, Applied Linguistics, Literature, and Cultural Studies Analysis Translation Techniques of Cultural Terms in the Subtitles Mekah I’m Coming Film by Jeihan Angga 2023-08-29T07:03:55+00:00 Ariani Nadia Khaq Achmad Basari A subtitle is a written meaning from the spoken sound of the film. It will change if the dialogue of the characters in the film change. The process of creating subtitle texts is related to the translation process, during which a translator re-presents what the actors said in the film. Sometimes translators experience some obstacles in translating subtitles containing foreign terms or cultural terms in the source language. This is one of the problems in the translation process. The terms cultural source language often lack the equivalent of a word in the target language, so the translator must better understand the important cultural aspects of both languages, to produce an appropriate translation. In this study, researchers analyzed the translation techniques of cultural terms in the subtitles of the Mekah I’m Coming film by Jeihan Angga. The purpose of this research is to find out what are categories of cultural terms and translation techniques. Researchers used the theory from Molina Albir (2002) to determine translation techniques and Newmark theory (1988: 193) to determine cultural categories. From the results of the analysis, the researcher found 8 types of translation techniques namely, Adaptation, Description, Established equivalent, Pure borrowing, variation, literal translation, Generalization, and Amplification. The most common is the adaptation technique. Furthermore, there are 5 types of cultural categories by Newmark found, namely ecology, material culture, social culture, politics, social organization, concept, religion, custom, and also gesture &amp; habits. The most common is the cultural term in the category of material culture. 2022-12-01T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Proceedings of Seminar on Translation, Applied Linguistics, Literature, and Cultural Studies Analysis of Anime Kanojo Okarishimasu Episodes 6-10: The Shifting of Uchi-Soto on The Characters Shun & Ruka 2023-08-29T07:05:18+00:00 Rizky Aufa Febrianto Budi Santoso The uchi-soto culture determines the level in intimacy of Japanese relationships. Japanese people tend to be more open about their privacy or pivate matter to people who are part of their uchi. This study examines the shifting of uchi-soto that occurs in the characters Shun and Ruka regarding the Kazuya's secret relationship with Chizuru, which is not actually a real couple. This analysis uses communication privacy management (CPM) theory and the Japanese intimacy model developed by (Adams et al., 2009). This research uses descriptive qualitative method with documentation technique. The results of research showed the shifting uchi to soto(external people) occurred because there is no trust in Kazuya to Shun. Nevertheless, Shun returned to uchi because he was on the same boat as Kazuya and Ruka's position change from soto to uchi because she can be trusted that she will not or there is no possibility that she will leaks Kazuya's secret to Shun. Kazuya's trust in Shun &amp; Ruka, define that he already thinks of them as uchi. 2022-12-01T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Proceedings of Seminar on Translation, Applied Linguistics, Literature, and Cultural Studies Fashion Style of Japanese Immigrants in Colonial Indonesia: A Preliminary Research Based on Visual Sources Observation 2023-08-29T07:20:30+00:00 Aji Cahyo Baskoro This paper is an initial study of the Dutch East Indies Japanese immigrants fashion style. The research was conducted by observing primary sources in the form of photographs of Japanese people appearing in various Japanese memoirs and newspapers published in colonial Java. From these observations, it can be seen that the Japanese in the Dutch East Indies very often appeared in Western clothing, although on certain occasions, they still wore traditional Japanese clothing. This style of dress is rooted in the modernization that occurred in Japan after the Meiji Restoration in 1868 and was influenced by the recognition of the status of the Japanese as first-class citizens equal to Europeans by the Dutch East Indies government in 1899. The results of this study indicate that through the style of dress they choose, the Japanese in the Dutch East Indies wanted to assert their identity as part of the modern West as well as part of Japan's noble culture. 2022-12-01T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Proceedings of Seminar tentang Penerjemahan, Linguistik Terapan, Susastra, dan Ilmu Budaya Gitaigo in Japanese Culinary Videos 2023-08-29T07:21:34+00:00 Putri Navilatul Hidayah Bayu Aryanto Gitaigo is one of mimetic word in Japanese language. Gitaigo is a word that formed to expressing the object’s condition. The aim of this research is to analyze gitaigo which spoken by the speech participants in the Japanese culinary videos from youtube. This study is using descriptive analysis method, by observing gitaigo’s phenomenon in Japanese culinary videos from Himitsu no Kenmin Show. The researcher found 22 gitaigo from 5 different videos. The researcher divided data into 2 categories, gitaigo which appears when the speakers describe about wet food (udon and ramen) and gitaigo which appears when the speakers describe about dry food (okonomiyaki, butaman, kakiagedon and daigakuimo). Gitaigo that speakers used in the context of describing wet food are hokahoka, mochimochi, tsurutsuru, shikoshiko and gyu(tsu). Gitaigo that speakers used in the context of describing dry food are shakishaki, mocchiri, shikkari, mochimochi, zusshiri, gorogoro, hokahoka, tappuri, torotoro, shittori, nettori, paripari, fuwafuwa and kari(tsu). 2022-12-01T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Proceedings of Seminar tentang Penerjemahan, Linguistik Terapan, Susastra, dan Ilmu Budaya Processing of Soft Bone Milkfish 2023-08-29T07:23:04+00:00 Adhinda Putri Meiroha Syaiful Ade Septemuryantoro Andi Hallang Lewa Indonesia is a country rich in marine resources. One sector that plays a major role in Indonesia's economic growth is the fisheries sector. The economic development of countries with a maritime character is focused on fisheries. An example is milkfish which is a fish that is widely consumed in Indonesia. Milkfish is not only cheap, but also nutritious and delicious. One of the processed milkfish that is often found is pressed milkfish. In general, milkfish are traditionally smoked, preserved or smoked. This processing method only changes the composition, taste and texture of the fish meat and does not soften the milkfish bones. To overcome this bone disease, a special processing method called soft bone milkfish is used. Pressed milkfish/soft spines are processed water products containing fish ingredients which undergo the following process: Soft bone milkfish can be processed in two ways: traditional and modern. In traditional processing of soft bone milkfish, the tool used for cooking is usually a modified drum or large hump. The traditional processing of soft bone milkfish uses the principle of processing milkfish. Processing of softbone milkfish is traditionally done using the rotation principle. 2022-12-01T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Proceedings of Seminar tentang Penerjemahan, Linguistik Terapan, Susastra, dan Ilmu Budaya The Role of the Community to Increase Local Potential through Kampoeng Djowo Sekatul Tourism Village 2023-08-29T07:24:12+00:00 Arie Anneke Putri Lissa Celia Ayu Weda Syaiful Ade Septemuryantoro Tourism Village is a village environment that has the potential for natural beauty and has a unique and distinctive appeal, tourism facilities and accommodations are managed well by actively involving the community. Kampoeng Djowo Sekatul is one of the tourist villages that carries the concept of a simple and ancient Javanese village with the characteristics of a joglo house and gazebo. This Kampoeng Djowo Sekatul tourist spot is located in Margosari Village, Limbangan District, Kendal Regency. Because it is located in a cold mountainous area and close to other natural attractions, this tourist village attracts many tourists who are in the city and even outside the city for time with family to enjoy the beauty that is presented by the Sekatul tourist village and the atmosphere is very suitable for family vacations. This study aims to analyze the extent to which empowerment can be carried out to spur the development of tourism villages based on local potential which leads to community productivity to be more independent and can improve the welfare of rural communities. This research used an approach with data collection techniques in the process. The results of the data obtained indicate that the existence of the Kampoeng Djowo Sekatul Tourism Village has a positive impact for the realization of community empowerment in this Margosari Village. 2022-12-01T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Proceedings of Seminar tentang Penerjemahan, Linguistik Terapan, Susastra, dan Ilmu Budaya Presupposition Analysis of Twitter Hate Comments towards Meghan Markle at Queen Elizabeth II’s Funeral 2023-08-29T07:25:25+00:00 Caumelia Agustin Nina Setyaningsih On September 8, 2022, BBC News announced the Queen's death at the age of 96 at Balmoral Castle, Scotland. Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, who were present at Queen Elizabeth II's funeral, became public attention and invited netizens' opinions on various social media. This study attempts to analyze the types of presupposition and the mostly used type of presupposition on Twitter hate comments addressed to Meghan Markle, Duchess of Sussex. Presupposition deals with a relationship between sentences or propositions and interpretation. The data of this research were taken from comments collected from five tweets with a large number of replies. They were analyzed by using Yule's (1996) types of presupposition. This research used descriptive qualitative method to analyze the data. The result of data analysis reveals that existential presupposition is mostly found in the data. This is because the hate comments towards Meghan Markle used definite/indefinite noun phrases to represent the assumptions of the writer of the comments. 2022-12-01T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Proceedings of Seminar tentang Penerjemahan, Linguistik Terapan, Susastra, dan Ilmu Budaya Constructing Referential Meaning in the Context of Tourism 2023-09-06T19:16:45+00:00 Darul Hikmah Afiifah Al Rosyiidah The study of meaning from semantic perspective remains interesting since language and meaning itself naturally develop from time to time. Language and its usage in relation to meaning are naturally productive. The development and productivity of meaning in language has encouraged linguistic researchers and scholars to develop their ideas, arguments, and perspectives. Moreover, when it is specifically connected to certain semantic area or context, one of which is tourism, the study of meaning appears to be more challenging and struggling. In relation to those issues, this study focuses on finding how referential meanings in the context of tourism are constructed and in what way those meanings denote the aspects of tourism. The research design employed in this study was descriptive qualitative. In addition, in obtaining the data, observation and documentary review were engaged. Accordingly, in analyzing the data, interactive model of data analysis was applied, including data reduction, data display, and data verification/claim. The results of the study show that several aspects of tourism, including attraction, amenities, accessibilities, and hospitalities, are denoted semantically in the construction of referential meaning. The referring expressions include names and nouns, as well as noun phrases, all of which denote particular entities in the world regarding the context of tourism. 2022-12-01T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Proceedings of Seminar tentang Penerjemahan, Linguistik Terapan, Susastra, dan Ilmu Budaya Linda Dance as Tourism Attraction and Its Meaning in the Traditio of Karia in Muna Community 2023-09-06T19:18:18+00:00 Sitti Hermina Heddy Shri Ahimsa-Putra Hendrie Adji Kusworo Chafid Fandeli Traditional dance is one of the local wisdom of the community that can be developed into a tourist attraction. Muna Regency has a linda dance that can be used as a tourist attraction. Linda dance combines elements of movement accompanied by traditional music from gongs and drums. Apart from being a performing art, linda dance is one of the stages in the implementation of the karia tradition, which is a tradition that Muna girls must follow before marriage. The purpose of this study is to find out the attractiveness of linda dance as a tourist attraction, the process of implementing linda dance in the karia tradition and the meaning of linda dance for the Muna people. This research was conducted in Muna Regency using qualitative data analysis. Determination of informants was carried out by purposive sampling techniques and data collection was obtained from literature studies, observations and in-depth interviews. The results show that 1) Linda dance as a tourist attraction has an attraction that can be displayed, namely beautiful movements, costumes, traditional music and La Kadandio songs that accompany the dance, 2) Linda dance is included in the implementation of the karia tradition procession, before karia participants dance linda, they are first locked up or marginalized (kaghombo) in a special room (songi) for four days and four nights, while in songi they will be taught what the attitude of a wife is when she is married, trained to eat and drink sober and should not complain, so that after undergoing karia girls are expected to have more mature behavior and thinking, especially in her position as a housewife, 3) Linda dance has a meaning as an expression of the joy of karia participants because they can pass the exam in the songi while following the karia tradition and as a form of conveying from the parents of linda participants to the general public that their children are ready to settle down. 2022-01-01T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Proceedings of Seminar tentang Penerjemahan, Linguistik Terapan, Susastra, dan Ilmu Budaya Strategy for the Development and Management of the Old City as a Historical Building and Tourism Development in Semarang 2023-09-06T19:19:37+00:00 Magdalena Monica Theresa Jesica Novia Sebastian Nicola Sheva Febria Rachman Syaiful Ade Septemuryantoro The revitalization was carried out by the Semarang government in Old City through local government regulation no. 8 of 2003 concerning Spatial Planning and Building Environment in the Old City area of Semarang. The regulation is aimed at the development and management of the Old City in order to be able to revive it. The city area is intended to support development and revitalization. The Old City of Semarang, which acts as a historic building, can be used as a strategy to attract tourists in carrying out cultural development in the city of Semarang. This study aims to determine the management and development of the revitalization old city semarang. The approach used in this research is an approach to empowering and developing sustainable cultural resources. 2022-01-01T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Proceedings of Seminar tentang Penerjemahan, Linguistik Terapan, Susastra, dan Ilmu Budaya Imagery’s Power in The Sun and Her Flowers by Rupi Kaur 2023-09-06T19:26:15+00:00 Enrica Leny Setiawan Valentina Widya Suryaningtyas This research discusses a collection of poetry entitled The Sun and Her Flowers by Rupi Kaur. The aim of this research is to find out types of imagery and the power of imagery from the book, the title is The Sun and Her Flowers by Rupi Kaur. The source of data is The Sun and Her Flowers poem by Rupi Kaur, which was published in 2017. The method used in this research is a qualitative method for analyzing data. In this research, the writer analyzed three poems from five existing poems by using the theory about types of imagery by Diyanni (2004: 559) like visual imagery, olfactory imagery, gustatory imagery, auditory imagery, and kinesthetic imagery and the writer also found the power of imagery in the poems. The result of this analysis is to find five kinds of imagery. The most dominant type of imagery used is visual imagery. The writer also found the power of imagery in the poems. From the results of analysis, it has been proved that the power of imagery used by Rupi Kaur in The Sun and Her Flowers poem is very strong so it makes the readers visualize the conditions that exist in the poem so they can get an image in their minds to understand the meaning of each poem. 2022-12-01T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Proceedings of Seminar tentang Penerjemahan, Linguistik Terapan, Susastra, dan Ilmu Budaya Locating The Tradition of Ziarah Wali in Modern Era: A Case Study in Syaikhona Kholil Bangkalan Tomb 2023-09-06T19:27:22+00:00 Miftahur Roifah Ziarah wali (Muslim saint pilgrimage) is one of Muslims’ practices to visit sacred tombs. This practice has been performed by a large part of Muslims long ago as a form of respect for the saints by sending prayers at their tomb. Many of the Muslims even do ziarah wali as an annual activity because it has been considered as a tradition with religious and spiritual values. These days ziarah wali is still popular as evidenced by the more crowded the locations of the saint’s tomb. One of the locations that still has many visitors is Syaikhona Kholil Bangkalan Tomb. Such phenomenon is very interesting to be researched because there must be factors and reasons contribute to the popularity of ziarah wali, so people in modern era are still attracted to perform and engage with this practice. Therefore, this article discusses how does the tradition of ziarah wali thrive in modern era, a case study in Syaikhona Kholil Bangkalan Tomb. This is a qualitative study implementing observation and interview as the method of data collection. The results show that the tradition of ziarah wali persists in today's modern era, a case study at the tomb of Syaikhona Kholil Bangkalan because it is a multipurpose activity, has several symbolic meanings and is an impactful practice. 2022-12-01T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Proceedings of Seminar tentang Penerjemahan, Linguistik Terapan, Susastra, dan Ilmu Budaya Social Conflict in Movie Script The Upside by Neil Burger 2023-09-06T19:29:34+00:00 Muhammad Daffa Valentina Widya Suryaningtyas This research discussed the social conflict in the movie script The Upside by Neil Burger. The aim of this research is to find any kind of social conflict experienced by two of the main characters from the story. The data is taken from a movie script released in 2017, titled The Upside by Neil Burger. Researchers use descriptive qualitative methods for analyzing data. The writer uses social conflict as the main topic of this research and already found that there are six kinds of social conflict which consist of Conflict within the individual, Conflict between individuals, Conflict between individuals and groups, Conflict between groups and organizations, Inter-organizational conflict, and Conflicts between individuals within different organizations. The writer found 5 types of social conflict in the movie script. The writer also used the sociology of literature as the theoretical reference. Sociology is a part of human behavior as a social being, making it the resource of society’s knowledge (Ahmadi: 2021). The movie script The Upside has many social conflicts which the writer thinks are interesting to discuss. The results from this research is there are 5 types of social conflict that occurred in the movie script, such as Disgruntled Behavior, Self-Control, Intolerance &amp; Exclusion, Negative Assumption, and Restoration of Trust. 2022-12-01T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Proceedings of Seminar tentang Penerjemahan, Linguistik Terapan, Susastra, dan Ilmu Budaya Symbolic Meaning of “Fight Club” in Fight Club Novel by Chuck Palahniuk 2023-09-06T19:31:30+00:00 Mirabel Thea Vita Valentina Widya Suryaningtyas This research discuss about Symbolic Meaning of “Fight Club” in Fight Club Novel by Chuck Palahniuk. Aim of this research is about to find out symbolic meaning of “Fight Club” that Chuck Palahniuk write in the Fight Club novel. Writer also found another symbolism used in Fight Club novel. There are five symbolisms beside “Fight Club” that writer found in this novel. Five symbolism that writer found in Fight Club novel is Soap, Scar, Space Monkey, and Project Mayhem, and Sofa. The source of data is Fight Club novel by Chuck Palahniuk and it was published on August 17, 1996. The writer used qualitative descriptive method and semiotic theory. Symbols is described as a representation which does no longer aim at being a reproduction (Symons: 1919). The word is full of symbols even many things called as symbol. Fight Club novel is a form of insinuate to the government at the time which is 1990-1999, proven when the character Tyler Durden works project mayhem on which project is a protest against the local government. The United States uses capitalists as its economic system in 1990s 2022-12-01T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Proceedings of Seminar tentang Penerjemahan, Linguistik Terapan, Susastra, dan Ilmu Budaya The Representation of Chinese-Canadian Parenting Styles for Daughter Depicted in Movie “Turning Red” 2023-09-06T19:32:51+00:00 Iftinan Rose Putri Safana This study discusses the parenting styles practiced by a Chinese-Canadian mother in raising her daughter. This study applies Stuart Hall's Representation theory to analyze the representation of Chinese-Canadian Parenting Style. In addition to categorizing the daughter-parenting styles, this research applies Baumrind’s theory. This study found that a Chinese-Canadian mother implements authoritarian parenting style for her daughter. It is because a mother has power over her daughter, has to be obeyed, and gives strict rules for her daughter. As a result, the daughter-parenting style of the Chinese-Canadian mother portrayed in this movie is authoritarian. Moreover, understanding parenting style is significant as it helps to understand cultural values. 2022-12-01T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Proceedings of Seminar tentang Penerjemahan, Linguistik Terapan, Susastra, dan Ilmu Budaya Forms and Functions of Dysphemism Utterances in Imroah Inda Nuqthis Shifr Novel and Its Translation 2023-09-06T19:34:12+00:00 Fikri Fikri Mudhiah Umamah Dyta Septiyatik One of the challenging task for the translator is Switching the language of one language to another that has social and cultural differences and the peculiarities of the characteristics of both. Imroah Inda Nuqthis Shifr novel by Nawal El Sa’dawi published in 1990 is a story of a woman and her sentence to death for her crime of murdering a prostitute. This novel is translated into Indonesian version as Perempuan di Titik Nol novel. The dramatic potrayal illustrated by the author brings a lot of vulgar words used. Regarding with term of vulgar words or it is known as dysphemism, this paper aims to find out the motives and their implementation of functions of translating dysphemism expressions in Perempuan Titik Nol novel as the Indonesian version of Imroah Inda Nuqthis Shifr. The data collection was conducted by reading the novel thoroughly and taking notes on the utterances in forms of words and phrases containing dysphemism both in the original novel and its translated version in Bahasa Indonesia. The data that had been collected are subsequently categorized according to the utterances and their translation functions. There were found 31 expressions (utterances) containing dysphemism. The thirty one findings were grouped into twelve categories (motives). The most frequently occurring dysphemistic utterances was epithet (4), while the least appearing one was voice (1). Most of the utterances containing dysphemism in the study were functioned to characterize the identity of a group. 2022-12-01T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Proceedings of Seminar tentang Penerjemahan, Linguistik Terapan, Susastra, dan Ilmu Budaya Vladimir Propp’s Model Analysis in the Rhymes Story Lutung Kasarung 2023-09-06T19:35:22+00:00 Angin Endang S This research aims to analyze the Lutung Kasarung poetry story using Vladimir Propp's analysis model. The approach used in this research is qualitative descriptive methods with literature study techniques. The results of the analysis of this study contained sixteen story functions and could be divided into seven environments of action. The twenty functions are exposure, tagging, involvement, departure, transfer of place, heavy duty, unable to claim, return, solutions, needs met, the first function of helper / donor, deficiency, neutrality, fighting, victory, and transformation. 2022-12-01T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Proceedings of Seminar tentang Penerjemahan, Linguistik Terapan, Susastra, dan Ilmu Budaya Dual Language of Tourism Place Names in Yogyakarta Toponymy 2023-09-06T19:36:29+00:00 Uswatun Hasanah Masrukhi Masrukhi This research was conducted to explain the syntactic adaptation processes and the meaning of dual languages of tourism place naming in Special Province of Yogyakarta. There are three steps used in this study, namely the data collection which is done by observation. The data analysis used the distributional method and the referential identity method. The presentation of data analysis results used formal and informal methods. The data used in this study were taken from tourism destinations spread across five regencies in the Special Province of Yogyakarta. The results of the analysis in this study indicate that as a result of language contact, tourism places are found using dual languages with generic + specific and specific + generic patterns. In terms of the classification of meaning based on the referents, the names of dual language tourism places are divided into three referents, namely the natural environment, the built environment, and the inhabitants. 2022-12-01T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Proceedings of Seminar tentang Penerjemahan, Linguistik Terapan, Susastra, dan Ilmu Budaya Character in Song Lyric “A Secret Love” 2023-09-06T19:37:22+00:00 Emeliya Sukma Dara Damanik <p>This paper is aimed to analyze the characters in song lyric “a secret love”. This study is conducted by using descriptive with qualitative method. After collecting and analyzing of the data, the writer found that this song lyric uses variable character in every line. In this case, the variable character which is coded in this lyric consist of I, you and we. It can be concluded that the use of this variable character as a way to communicate the idea or feeling between the singer and listeners.</p> 2022-12-01T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Proceedings of International Seminar on Translation, Applied Linguistics, Literature, and Cultural Studies Preservation of “Wayang Orang” culture as a city tourist attraction 2023-09-06T19:38:44+00:00 Fanny Angelina Kintan Marisa Uswatun Nisa Syaiful Ade Septemuryantoro <p>Wayang Wong is a wayang genre that is classified into traditional dance which is usually taken from the Ramayana and Mahabharata stories. In Semarang itself there is a Wayang Wong association, namely "Ngesti Pandowo" but its existence has decreased in the current era due to the development of the era and culture which is increasingly leaning towards western culture. This article contains about conservation and the problem of the rare wayang orang shown in Semarang in the current era. The problems that occur can be caused by several factors that are also related to tourism in Semarang. The method we use is descriptive qualitative method by focusing on the actual problem. Puppet shows that still exist today, one of which is the Barata puppet show (in the Pasar Senen<br />area, Jakarta), Taman Mini Indonesia Indah, Sriwedari Park Solo, Raden Saleh Cultural Park Semarang, and others.</p> 2022-12-01T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Proceedings of International Seminar on Translation, Applied Linguistics, Literature, and Cultural Studies Tourism Development in Central Java and Its Responsibility to Local Culture Conservation 2023-09-06T19:39:43+00:00 Sri Yuwanti Nina Mistriani <p>Tourism is one of many sources of foreign exchange and country’s business opportunities using nature and culture. However it does bring along positive and negative consequence, both in the sphere of natural resources and local culture. In the process of tourism development, which local culture is exploited of its uniqueness, the possible risk is the over exploitation of culture, or the degradation of important sacred rites to be commercial show. On the other hand, when the local culture holders are not having information or not educated and introduced to the risks may happen to their local culture, they may eager to trade their local culture as commodity. This situation may dispose the local culture existence. If the changes affect the sustainability of local tradition or local uniqueness, not only in its existence but also on its meaning, then there will be a problem. This study attempts to explain the possibilities could occur when the doers and planners of tourism are less aware on cultural preservation and focus only on short term economic benefits by sacrificing the main core of the appeal. The case is Dieng Culture Festival event, which will be analyzed in qualitatively methods. Discussion of the results is directed to the tendency of travel catering by local community and how the activities will impact the local culture.</p> 2022-12-01T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Proceedings of International Seminar on Translation, Applied Linguistics, Literature, and Cultural Studies Kota Lama Semarang Tourism Development 2023-09-06T19:40:40+00:00 Hanum Nailil Muna Kanar Wilona Kaulika Yesy Zumaroh Syaiful Ade Septemuryantoro Semarang is the capital of the province of Central Java and is also a major city in Indonesia. Because it is the center of the province of Central Java, in Semarang there are several iconic tourist attractions, one example is Kota Lama area. Kota Lama Semarang has become one of the icons of tourist attractions in Semarang because there are so many tourist objects that can be used as places to take pictures. Not only a tourist attraction but also as an object of endless research, apart from being peeled from the historical side. Kota Lama area is also a historical area. In this area there is a legacy of the Dutch East Indies that needs to be preserved. In addition there are famous buildings such as the Blenduk Church, cigarette factories, stations and so on that have a typical European style of the past. Public facilities in Kota Lama Semarang are complete and good. Starting from the prayer room, toilets, to trash cans are available in adequate numbers and in good condition. However, this area also has shortcomings that need to be repaired, such as a special parking area for tourism buses and also the roads are still quite narrow which can affect traffic around Kota Lama area. With a less wide road, this will cause traffic jams, especially if it is a holiday. This study aims to describe the developments in Kota Lama area of Semarang. 2022-12-01T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Proceedings of International Seminar on Translation, Applied Linguistics, Literature, and Cultural Studies Lumpia as A Typical Culinary Image of Semarang 2023-09-06T19:42:26+00:00 William Pratama Wijaya Daniel Jasson Kurniawan Hetti Werinta Syaiful Ade Septemuryantoro <p>Lumpia is a traditional food that is very distinctive and unique, this can be seen from the many regional characteristics contained in it in processing this food. Lumpia itself is also a nutritious food and is able to maintain human relations as a symbol of the identity of a particular society. Of the many cities in Indonesia, there are many areas that have many unique and diverse cuisines, for example, traditional cuisine where the cuisine brings its own characteristics in each existing area, so that it becomes a special attraction for every resident who lives in the area. The city of Semarang itself is an area that has several traditional foods and one of them is Lumpia. Lumpia Semarang is one of the culinary specialties from the city of Semarang whose basic ingredients are bamboo shoots. Bamboo shoots themselves come from young bamboo shoots which usually grow from bamboo roots. However, along with the development of the era, spring rolls became a very famous food so that it became a competition between a large number of business actors, so that in the end they were able to offer almost the same product but with different variations. With this, many producers have finally developed so that they have many strategic and critical capabilities in processing products in various ways that are full of innovation, so that products that have competitive value emerge that are able to compete and attract consumers from every region in Indonesia and the same city. We can see at lumpia themselves, they also have a lot of unique history, starting from the origin of spring rolls, the ingredients used to make spring rolls, to various modifications that occurred in the past so that spring rolls can have a unique taste as we know it today. this. It should also be noted that this food has become a food that is hunted by tourists who usually come to the city of Semarang, even culinary lovers often capture this moment as content and memories to be shared and introduced further to local and overseas communities.</p> 2022-12-01T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Proceedings of International Seminar on Translation, Applied Linguistics, Literature, and Cultural Studies Cultural Acculluration In The Architecture Of The Kudus Tower Mosque 2023-09-06T19:43:32+00:00 Veronica Halim Nur Aza Afini Putri Rahayu Syaiful Ade Septemuryantoro In 1549 AD in the city of Kudus, the Al-Aqsa Kudus Mosque was established which was the beginning of the spread of Islam in the Kudus area. The mosque became one of the witnesses of Sunan Kudus journey in spreading Islam. This place is famous for the elements of Hindu-Buddhist culture that makes the Kudus people accustomed to adapting to the existence of two cultural blends. The occurrence of this adaptation causes a unique and rare combination in the eyes of ordinary people. The uniqueness of the Al-Aqsa Kudus Mosque makes tourists interested in visiting, therefore the author is interested in the existence of a blend of cultures in the architecture of the Kudus Tower Mosque. The purpose of this study is to introduce the cultural acculturation that exists at the Kudus Tower Mosque to the Indonesian people, so that they are more familiar with the cultural diversity in Indonesia. In this study using descriptive research methods, and through the methods of various existing sources. The results of this study prove that Kudus Tower is shaped like a temple so that Hindus who have just embraced Islam do not feel foreign when they are in the mosque. The success of cultural acculturation in the architecture of the Kudus tower Mosque has made a symbol of harmony between Muslims and Hindus to this day. The combination of these cultures will lead to diverse acculturation and become cultural expressions that have multicultural values in the Kudus Tower Mosque environment. 2022-12-01T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Proceedings of International Seminar on Translation, Applied Linguistics, Literature, and Cultural Studies Sign Language Denotation and Connotation Meanings for Address Terms in the Movie Orange Days 2023-09-06T19:44:32+00:00 Wulan Sari Akhmad Saifudin <p>Orange Days is a Japanese drama about a deaf person, Haigo Sae, who uses sign language to communicate. Signs or symbols in sign language are arranged linguistically, where every movement can be interpreted using Roland Barthes' semiology: denotative and connotative signified. This study uses descriptive analysis and focuses on address terms in sign language. In addition, this study aims to contextually interpret the meaning of the greeting terms used by speakers by adopting Bartes' semiotic theory. The results of the study show that there are three forms of address terms, namely first-person address terms like I (singular) and we<br />(plural), second-person address terms like you (singular), mother (kinship), and aisatsu (konnichiwa), and third person Kai (proper name). Contextually, the address terms signs can mean the speaker's expression, invitation, designation of something/someone, and greeting.</p> 2022-12-01T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2022 Proceedings of International Seminar on Translation, Applied Linguistics, Literature, and Cultural Studies Seven Charms of Balinese Nuances at Pura Agung Giri Natha Semarang 2023-09-06T19:45:48+00:00 Theresia Viola Ratu Rosari Prasetyo Helmina Dwi Novia Prima Setia Judha Pranatha <p>Seeing the small number of religious tourism destinations in the city of Semarang, making the Hindus of Semarang city place Pura Agung Girinatha a place for religious ceremonies, and also as a social religious place. Pura Agung Giri Natha name is taken from the words Giri which means hill or mountain, and Natha which means sturdy. The construction of this temple was deliberately built on a high place. Pura Agung Giri Natha itself is an original Hindu temple built from various kinds of Balinese architecture, as well as buildings that have their own functions and philosophies containing various interesting meanings to know. Such as the placement of several Bentar Temples or Bali Gate as boundaries between three main areas, namely Nistha Mandala, Madya Mandala and Utama Mandala. Nistya Mandala, the outermost part of the temple which functions as a supporting facility for visitors to Pura Agung. Then there is Madya Mandala which functions as a meeting place, big day activities (piodalan) and social events. Then the last and most sacred part of this temple is the Utama mandala, as the core of the temple which functions as a place of worship for Hindus. The main building in the form of the magnificent throne of Padma, which symbolizes Mount Mandara as the throne of God in the Samudramantana story, is also contained in the Utama mandala. The method used in this study is a qualitative descriptive method using the method of observation, interviews and documentation as the main information material in writing.</p> 2022-12-01T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Proceedings of International Seminar on Translation, Applied Linguistics, Literature, and Cultural Studies Type, Meaning, and Usage Onomatopoeia in Japanese Comic “Grand Blue” 2023-09-06T19:46:55+00:00 Damas Anang Farraf Mega Aulia Akhmad Saifudin This study describes the form, meaning, and usage of onomatopoeia in Japanese comics. The data used is the Japanese onomatopoeia contained in the data source, which is the first volume of the “Grand Blue” comic by Kenji Inoue &amp; Kimitake Yoshioka. This research uses qualitative descriptive and a literature study method. The theory used is Hamano’s to identify their meaning based on phono-semantics. The analysis results found that the forms of onomatopoeia, which are the symbols of sounds, determine their meaning. We also found four functions of onomatopoeia: forming the names of objects or sound imitations, forming the names of actions, indicating conditions, and forming character emotions. 2022-12-01T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2022 Proceedings of International Seminar on Translation, Applied Linguistics, Literature, and Cultural Studies Appraisal Analysis of The Attitude Device in “The Deluxe Smart Mask Unboxing and Review” Video by Kuya Buzz 2023-09-06T19:48:08+00:00 Stefani Ernes Adisti Sri Mulatsih <p>This study is concerned with the analysis of interpersonal meaning and linguistic features through the lens of Appraisal theory. In more detail, the appraisal theory is focused on one aspect in this study, notably the attitude device. As a result, the purpose of this study is to investigate the aspects of attitude that are realized in Kuya Buzz's video content titled "Deluxe Smart Mask - Unboxing &amp; Review: is it really Smart?" and to identify the values contained in the attitude device using an appraisal system. In this research, the theory of Martin and White (2005), which is based on Systemic Functional Linguistics, was used. Moreover, this study also employs a descriptive qualitative method in conjunction with a Discourse Analysis approach. Meanwhile, the research subject refers to the transcript data collected by observing the content creator's utterances as they are revealed in unboxing and review videos. Furthermore, this study discovered only two attitude devices, Appreciation and Affect, while Judgment was not found in any utterances. Affect is the emotional response to something or a phenomenon. Judgment is dealt with the registration of evaluation and assessment towards behaviors of other individuals. Appreciation is concerned with how people evaluate things or phenomena. The researchers also discovered that the most dominant appraisal device used is Appreciation. It indicates that the author's attitude is identified to be conveyed to the audience during the unboxing and review of video content through the appraisal system.</p> 2022-12-01T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Proceedings of International Seminar on Translation, Applied Linguistics, Literature, and Cultural Studies Escapism in the Comic Book Requiem of the Rose King by Aya Kanno 2023-02-09T15:51:45+00:00 Luthfiyah Nurun Ni’mah Valentina Widya Suryaningtyas This research discusses the escapism of the second main character in Aya Kanno’s comic series <em>Requiem of the Rose King</em>. This research aims to find the factors behind the second main character’s experiences he had and the defense mechanism that makes him create a way to escape from reality by analysing his characterisation. The data is taken from the historical-dark fantasy comic series <em>Requiem of the Rose King </em>by Aya Kanno which ran internationally from 2015 and is still ongoing. Researcher using descriptive qualitative method for analysing the data with psychoanalytical approach by Freudian theory about ego defense mechanism. Escapism as avoidance behaviour, suggesting that only the negative aspects of the phenomenon being measured. A defense mechanism is the emergence of resistance to internal stress, a progression of unconscious ego activities. This research shows severlas factor, such the adultery of the second main character’s mother, the throne, and the rape that caused him to experience trauma and the escapism he did is the outcome of his defense mechanisms. The researcher also found seven defense mechanisms that suit the characterisation of the second main character, such as denial, repression, projection, fantasy, sublimation, rationalisation, and regression. 2022-12-01T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Proceedings of International Seminar on Translation, Applied Linguistics, Literature, and Cultural Studies Virtual Reality Methods in Teaching Front Office Practices Post Covid-19 Pandemic (Case Study in Hotel Management Study Program) 2023-09-06T19:50:37+00:00 Veronica Halim Joseph Aldo Irawan Emik Rahayu Izza Ulumuddin Ahmad Asshofi The rapid development of technology in the 4.0 era forced all activities to switch from conventional activities to digital activities. This has also penetrated the world of education, one of which is at Dian Nuswantoro University Semarang. As a university that upholds technological developments, of course UDINUS wants to design an idea to help the teaching and learning process to be more optimal. Teaching methods on an international scale have begun to use VR (Virtual Reality) media as a learning method. One example of the application of this technology can be used in front office courses because it can be done online. This research uses a qualitative descriptive method assisted by data collection through a literature study. The results of this study will find out how to apply learning methods to the front office and what practices can be done through VR media. Thus, UDINUS can optimize the use of technology in lecture activities and be able to attract international interest. 2022-12-01T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Proceedings of International Seminar on Translation, Applied Linguistics, Literature, and Cultural Studies Traditional Lumpia Food as a Typical Semarang Food 2023-09-06T19:51:36+00:00 Armandito Irving Soenjaya Robert Halim Dedi Joko Purnomo Syaiful Ade Septemuryantoro Lumpia or commonly called Lunpia by most people is a traditional food or snack from Semarang. Historically, this spring roll is said to have come from the Chinese who were brought to this country. Spring rolls usually have a filling consisting of bamboo shoots, eggs, and shrimp, but over time many people have modified the spring roll filling into soun or sweet potato filling instead of the bamboo shoots themselves. This study aims to explain the history, benefits, and drawbacks of Lumpia. This research is research that uses a qualitative approach with a descriptive type. Data collection techniques use observation, interviews, and documentation techniques, to obtain accurate data and documents. The results obtained showed that lunpia, which used to be a traditional Semarang food that was cheap and often found in traditional markets, is now an expensive food and is only sold in certain places because the price of ingredients is too high. Making a smaller version of lumpia and less filling can cut the price to be cheaper than the original version. Spring rolls are also a popular food in the general public because of their delicious taste. But who would have thought spring rolls also have a bad effect on some people. After some research, I found that bamboo shoots contain purines that make uric acid levels high, this makes some people with this disease unable to eat spring rolls. Good packaging techniques can extend the shelf life of lumpia so that it can be carried by domestic tourists visiting Semarang. 2022-12-01T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Proceedings of International Seminar on Translation, Applied Linguistics, Literature, and Cultural Studies Students' SWOT Analysis Perspective on Herborist Business and Tour Packages 2023-02-14T23:02:20+00:00 Ong Pearl Mares Debora Shelica Soetedjo Cindy Citya Dima Herborist is one of the leading producers of herbal cosmetics in Indonesia. Herborist also provides a factory tour service that can accommodate 50 visitors in each group. This factory tour was carried out as an attempt by Herborist Semarang for a promotional event. Activities around the factory were arranged to introduce tourists to production activities and herborist history and to visit the "Oemah Herborist". This activity added a positive influence on both Herborist and visitors. This factory tour activity is open to all groups according to the activity package provided.In the package offered by Herborist Semarang, there is a separate SWOT analysis. This study aimed to find out SWOT's Oemah Herborist factory tour activities. SWOT analysis describes conditions and evaluates a business-related problem, including four factors (Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, and Threats). This analysis uses qualitative descriptive methods. Based on the results of the data collected, the management of SWOT tourism distribution from Herborist has several drawbacks and threats. Herborist should maximize the performance of its employees in promoting Edutrip tourism packaging to the general public about the edutrip offered. Herborists should be able to use social media to promote edutrips to the wider public. Herborists must continue to innovate by developing several types of cosmetic products to meet the needs of cosmetic promotion in beauty classes. The rest of Herborist's edutrip is already very interesting and good to visit because not many companies have entered this opportunity. 2023-12-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Proceedings of International Seminar on Translation, Applied Linguistics, Literature, and Cultural Studies Attitude Realization in Phone Review Youtube Video: An Appraisal Analysis 2023-02-14T23:07:22+00:00 Zhafira Zhafarina Sri Mulatsih This study aims to identify the attitude realization in a YouTube video entitled “Xiaomi 12S Ultra Review – Bye Bye Samsung?” uploaded by Mrwhosetheboss on July 5<sup>th</sup>, 2022. Appraisal theory by Martin and White (2005) is used to analyze the data. Appraisal analysis divided into three types which are Attitude, Graduation, and Engagement. The focus of this study is only analyzing the attitude systems in the object of research. Attitude can be further divided into three sub-types namely Affect, Judgment, and Appreciation. Affect deals with describing how people’s feelings toward something, whilst judgment focusing on evaluation on other individuals’ behaviur. Furthermore, Appreciation examines an evaluation towards objects. Through descriptive qualitative research, the researcher has found 86 clauses containing the attitude elements. There are 49 data indicating positive Appreciation and 20 data indicating negative attitude. There are also affect items which conclude 16 positive affect and one negative effect. Moreover, there is no judgment item found in the video since the focus of the video is a review of product. 2023-12-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Proceedings of International Seminar on Translation, Applied Linguistics, Literature, and Cultural Studies Requesting Strategies Used by Balinese Online Sellers 2023-09-06T09:26:05+00:00 komang dian puspita candra putu nur ayomi <p>This study examined the types of requesting strategies used by Balinese online sellers. The data source was taken from the statement, in the form of sentences, clauses, or words that appears in the candrikaetnik_bali Instagram feed. The statement itself correlates with the products that are being sold. The data were collected by using the observation method and note-taking technique. The data was then analyzed qualitatively by using the theory from Trosborg (1995) in analyzing the types of requesting strategies and the theory by Holmes (2001) in analyzing the context of the situation. The result shows that there are six strategies of requesting found in candrikaetnik_bali's Instagram feed as hints, statements of obligation, performatives, imperatives, suggestory formula, and speaker wishes. The use of these strategies occurred in four conditions namely Indirect Request, Indirect (Hearer-Oriented Condition), Indirect (SpeakerOriented Condition), and Direct Request. The types of requesting strategies that appear most frequently within the candrikaetnik_bali Instagram feed are performatives and suggestory formula.</p> 2022-12-01T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Proceedings of International Seminar on Translation, Applied Linguistics, Literature, and Cultural Studies The Writer’s Appreciation towards Joko Widodo Biography ‘Man of Contradiction’: Appraisal Perspective 2023-08-28T14:24:25+00:00 Setyo Prasyanto Cahyono Riyadi Santosa Djatmika Djatmika M.R. Nababan This study explores the writer’s appreciation towards Joko Widodo biography ‘Man of Contradiction’. This study focuses on appreciation which comprised one of attitude appraisal categories. Appreciation can be interpreted as our evaluation considering to ‘things’ as we make or action (Martin &amp; White, 2005). This study employs qualitative method and adopts appraisal theory proposed by Martin and White (2005). The source of data in this study was taken from biography of Joko Widodo purposively and it was published in 2021 by Penguin Books. The data are collected by employing content analysis. Meanwhile, the data were validated by three raters through Forum Group Discussion (FGD). The result of this study reveals that the most dominant appreciation category found in Joko Widodo Biography ‘Man of Contradiction’ is valuation (30%), Reaction: quality (25.45%), Composition: complexity (21.81%), Reaction: impact (19,1%), Composition: balance (3.64%) simultaneously. Furthermore, based on the findings, it shows that positive appreciation is dominantly found in Joko Widodo biography. It shows the writer’s appreciation towards some of Joko Widodo’s achievements and works during his leadership as a president of Indonesia as well as when he was a Mayor of Solo and Governor of Jakarta. 2022-12-23T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Proceedings of International Seminar on Translation, Applied Linguistics, Literature, and Cultural Studies Speech Act Analysis of Violet’s Utterances on Netflix Series Entitled Arcane 2023-09-04T21:40:42+00:00 Ef Burhan Wahidullah Anisa Larassati This study aims to find out what types of illocutionary speech acts are found in the utterances of one of the characters from the Netflix animated series entitled Arcane (2021), named Violet. This study uses a qualitative descriptive research method and uses the speech act theory proposed by John R. Searle. This study uses data taken from the Netflix animated series, Arcane, which was created by the game studio, Riot Games. In this study, the researcher found four types of illocutionary acts used by Violet, including representative acts, expressive acts, directive acts, and commissive acts. The amount of data found is 180 data and the type of speech act that is often used is the representative act with a total of 101 data and finds the type of speech act that is the least used, namely the commissive act with a total of 4 data. In this study, the researcher also did not find a declarative act of speech act. In analyzing the data, the researcher finds the utterances that were considered a speech act. Then the researcher codified those data and classified them into speech act classifications. The last, the researcher finds the most used type of speech act and concludes the research based on the data found 2023-04-04T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Proceedings of International Seminar on Translation, Applied Linguistics, Literature, and Cultural Studies WOMEN OPPRESSION AND STRUGGLE IN MARGARET ATWOOD’S THE HANDMAID’S TALE 2023-10-02T14:39:00+00:00 NERISSA ADELIA NENI KURNIAWATI This research discusses women's oppression and women's struggle for existence and equality. The aim of this research is to find out the forms of oppression experienced by women and how they struggle to gain their freedom. The data source for this research is the novel entitled <em>The Handmaid's Tale</em> by Margaret Atwood. The method used is descriptive qualitative. Researchers use Simone de Beauvoir's feminist theory of existentialism which emphasizes the concepts of freedom, interpersonal relationships, and the experience of life as a human. This study uses feminist theory and focuses on the loss of existence as an independent individual in a society dominated by men. Women are oppressed and exploited as visual and reproductive objects. Researchers found that women's struggle to gain their existence was carried out in various ways. Some do it passively, and some do it actively. From the results of the analysis, it can be seen that women also want to exist in society and show that their role in society is equal to that of men. 2023-02-10T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Proceedings of International Seminar on Translation, Applied Linguistics, Literature, and Cultural Studies Hyperbole Expressions Used in Justin Bieber’s Album “Justice” 2023-11-08T09:46:21+00:00 Maria Yunita Among Ma Hyperbole is a figurative language containing a statement by exaggerating something from reality with a dramatic effect. Sentences using hyperbole are commonly to compare something with excessive words and sometimes sound unreasonable. This study aimed at determining the forms of hyperbolic expressions used in Justin Bieber's album Justice and explaining the meaning of hyperbolic expressions used in the album. The methods used in this research were descriptive qualitative. The theory proposed by Alexander (1977) and Leech (1981) used to identify hyperbolic expressions used in song lyrics and explain the meaning of hyperbole in song lyrics. The research subject was Justin Bieber's songs, spread on the Justice album, which consists of ten (10) songs. Ten of the seventeen songs contained in the album are to be described, namely: "2 Much, As I am, Off My Face, Holy, Unstable, Die For You, Hold On, Somebody, Ghost and Anyone". The process of collecting data was done by listening to songs and noting song lyrics that have hyperbole expressions. The results of the analysis found 20 hyperbolic expression data that have two meanings, namely: connotative meaning and affective meaning. 2023-02-18T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Proceedings of International Seminar on Translation, Applied Linguistics, Literature, and Cultural Studies