Traditional Lumpia Food as a Typical Semarang Food


  • Armandito Irving Soenjaya
  • Robert Halim
  • Dedi Joko Purnomo
  • Syaiful Ade Septemuryantoro



Lumpia or commonly called Lunpia by most people is a traditional food or snack from Semarang. Historically, this spring roll is said to have come from the Chinese who were brought to this country. Spring rolls usually have a filling consisting of bamboo shoots, eggs, and shrimp, but over time many people have modified the spring roll filling into soun or sweet potato filling instead of the bamboo shoots themselves. This study aims to explain the history, benefits, and drawbacks of Lumpia. This research is research that uses a qualitative approach with a descriptive type. Data collection techniques use observation, interviews, and documentation techniques, to obtain accurate data and documents. The results obtained showed that lunpia, which used to be a traditional Semarang food that was cheap and often found in traditional markets, is now an expensive food and is only sold in certain places because the price of ingredients is too high. Making a smaller version of lumpia and less filling can cut the price to be cheaper than the original version. Spring rolls are also a popular food in the general public because of their delicious taste. But who would have thought spring rolls also have a bad effect on some people. After some research, I found that bamboo shoots contain purines that make uric acid levels high, this makes some people with this disease unable to eat spring rolls. Good packaging techniques can extend the shelf life of lumpia so that it can be carried by domestic tourists visiting Semarang.


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