Appraisal Analysis of The Attitude Device in “The Deluxe Smart Mask Unboxing and Review” Video by Kuya Buzz


  • Stefani Ernes Adisti
  • Sri Mulatsih Universitas Dian Nuswantoro



appraisal analysis, attitude device, new normal, review video, unboxing video


This study is concerned with the analysis of interpersonal meaning and linguistic features through the lens of Appraisal theory. In more detail, the appraisal theory is focused on one aspect in this study, notably the attitude device. As a result, the purpose of this study is to investigate the aspects of attitude that are realized in Kuya Buzz's video content titled "Deluxe Smart Mask - Unboxing & Review: is it really Smart?" and to identify the values contained in the attitude device using an appraisal system. In this research, the theory of Martin and White (2005), which is based on Systemic Functional Linguistics, was used. Moreover, this study also employs a descriptive qualitative method in conjunction with a Discourse Analysis approach. Meanwhile, the research subject refers to the transcript data collected by observing the content creator's utterances as they are revealed in unboxing and review videos. Furthermore, this study discovered only two attitude devices, Appreciation and Affect, while Judgment was not found in any utterances. Affect is the emotional response to something or a phenomenon. Judgment is dealt with the registration of evaluation and assessment towards behaviors of other individuals. Appreciation is concerned with how people evaluate things or phenomena. The researchers also discovered that the most dominant appraisal device used is Appreciation. It indicates that the author's attitude is identified to be conveyed to the audience during the unboxing and review of video content through the appraisal system.


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