Type, Meaning, and Usage Onomatopoeia in Japanese Comic “Grand Blue”


  • Damas Anang Farraf Mega Aulia
  • Akhmad Saifudin Universitas Dian Nuswantoro




Comic, form, function, meaning, onomatopoeia


This study describes the form, meaning, and usage of onomatopoeia in Japanese comics. The data used is the Japanese onomatopoeia contained in the data source, which is the first volume of the “Grand Blue” comic by Kenji Inoue & Kimitake Yoshioka. This research uses qualitative descriptive and a literature study method. The theory used is Hamano’s to identify their meaning based on phono-semantics. The analysis results found that the forms of onomatopoeia, which are the symbols of sounds, determine their meaning. We also found four functions of onomatopoeia: forming the names of objects or sound imitations, forming the names of actions, indicating conditions, and forming character emotions.


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