Cultural Acculluration In The Architecture Of The Kudus Tower Mosque
In 1549 AD in the city of Kudus, the Al-Aqsa Kudus Mosque was established which was the beginning of the spread of Islam in the Kudus area. The mosque became one of the witnesses of Sunan Kudus journey in spreading Islam. This place is famous for the elements of Hindu-Buddhist culture that makes the Kudus people accustomed to adapting to the existence of two cultural blends. The occurrence of this adaptation causes a unique and rare combination in the eyes of ordinary people. The uniqueness of the Al-Aqsa Kudus Mosque makes tourists interested in visiting, therefore the author is interested in the existence of a blend of cultures in the architecture of the Kudus Tower Mosque. The purpose of this study is to introduce the cultural acculturation that exists at the Kudus Tower Mosque to the Indonesian people, so that they are more familiar with the cultural diversity in Indonesia. In this study using descriptive research methods, and through the methods of various existing sources. The results of this study prove that Kudus Tower is shaped like a temple so that Hindus who have just embraced Islam do not feel foreign when they are in the mosque. The success of cultural acculturation in the architecture of the Kudus tower Mosque has made a symbol of harmony between Muslims and Hindus to this day. The combination of these cultures will lead to diverse acculturation and become cultural expressions that have multicultural values in the Kudus Tower Mosque environment.References
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