Lumpia as A Typical Culinary Image of Semarang


  • William Pratama Wijaya
  • Daniel Jasson Kurniawan
  • Hetti Werinta
  • Syaiful Ade Septemuryantoro



Lumpia is a traditional food that is very distinctive and unique, this can be seen from the many regional characteristics contained in it in processing this food. Lumpia itself is also a nutritious food and is able to maintain human relations as a symbol of the identity of a particular society. Of the many cities in Indonesia, there are many areas that have many unique and diverse cuisines, for example, traditional cuisine where the cuisine brings its own characteristics in each existing area, so that it becomes a special attraction for every resident who lives in the area. The city of Semarang itself is an area that has several traditional foods and one of them is Lumpia. Lumpia Semarang is one of the culinary specialties from the city of Semarang whose basic ingredients are bamboo shoots. Bamboo shoots themselves come from young bamboo shoots which usually grow from bamboo roots. However, along with the development of the era, spring rolls became a very famous food so that it became a competition between a large number of business actors, so that in the end they were able to offer almost the same product but with different variations. With this, many producers have finally developed so that they have many strategic and critical capabilities in processing products in various ways that are full of innovation, so that products that have competitive value emerge that are able to compete and attract consumers from every region in Indonesia and the same city. We can see at lumpia themselves, they also have a lot of unique history, starting from the origin of spring rolls, the ingredients used to make spring rolls, to various modifications that occurred in the past so that spring rolls can have a unique taste as we know it today. this. It should also be noted that this food has become a food that is hunted by tourists who usually come to the city of Semarang, even culinary lovers often capture this moment as content and memories to be shared and introduced further to local and overseas communities.


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