Symbolic Meaning of “Fight Club” in Fight Club Novel by Chuck Palahniuk


  • Mirabel Thea Vita
  • Valentina Widya Suryaningtyas



This research discuss about Symbolic Meaning of “Fight Club” in Fight Club Novel by Chuck Palahniuk. Aim of this research is about to find out symbolic meaning of “Fight Club” that Chuck Palahniuk write in the Fight Club novel. Writer also found another symbolism used in Fight Club novel. There are five symbolisms beside “Fight Club” that writer found in this novel. Five symbolism that writer found in Fight Club novel is Soap, Scar, Space Monkey, and Project Mayhem, and Sofa. The source of data is Fight Club novel by Chuck Palahniuk and it was published on August 17, 1996. The writer used qualitative descriptive method and semiotic theory. Symbols is described as a representation which does no longer aim at being a reproduction (Symons: 1919). The word is full of symbols even many things called as symbol. Fight Club novel is a form of insinuate to the government at the time which is 1990-1999, proven when the character Tyler Durden works project mayhem on which project is a protest against the local government. The United States uses capitalists as its economic system in 1990s


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