Linda Dance as Tourism Attraction and Its Meaning in the Traditio of Karia in Muna Community


  • Sitti Hermina
  • Heddy Shri Ahimsa-Putra
  • Hendrie Adji Kusworo
  • Chafid Fandeli



Traditional dance is one of the local wisdom of the community that can be developed into a tourist attraction. Muna Regency has a linda dance that can be used as a tourist attraction. Linda dance combines elements of movement accompanied by traditional music from gongs and drums. Apart from being a performing art, linda dance is one of the stages in the implementation of the karia tradition, which is a tradition that Muna girls must follow before marriage. The purpose of this study is to find out the attractiveness of linda dance as a tourist attraction, the process of implementing linda dance in the karia tradition and the meaning of linda dance for the Muna people. This research was conducted in Muna Regency using qualitative data analysis. Determination of informants was carried out by purposive sampling techniques and data collection was obtained from literature studies, observations and in-depth interviews. The results show that 1) Linda dance as a tourist attraction has an attraction that can be displayed, namely beautiful movements, costumes, traditional music and La Kadandio songs that accompany the dance, 2) Linda dance is included in the implementation of the karia tradition procession, before karia participants dance linda, they are first locked up or marginalized (kaghombo) in a special room (songi) for four days and four nights, while in songi they will be taught what the attitude of a wife is when she is married, trained to eat and drink sober and should not complain, so that after undergoing karia girls are expected to have more mature behavior and thinking, especially in her position as a housewife, 3) Linda dance has a meaning as an expression of the joy of karia participants because they can pass the exam in the songi while following the karia tradition and as a form of conveying from the parents of linda participants to the general public that their children are ready to settle down.


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