Analysis of Anime Kanojo Okarishimasu Episodes 6-10: The Shifting of Uchi-Soto on The Characters Shun & Ruka
The uchi-soto culture determines the level in intimacy of Japanese relationships. Japanese people tend to be more open about their privacy or pivate matter to people who are part of their uchi. This study examines the shifting of uchi-soto that occurs in the characters Shun and Ruka regarding the Kazuya's secret relationship with Chizuru, which is not actually a real couple. This analysis uses communication privacy management (CPM) theory and the Japanese intimacy model developed by (Adams et al., 2009). This research uses descriptive qualitative method with documentation technique. The results of research showed the shifting uchi to soto(external people) occurred because there is no trust in Kazuya to Shun. Nevertheless, Shun returned to uchi because he was on the same boat as Kazuya and Ruka's position change from soto to uchi because she can be trusted that she will not or there is no possibility that she will leaks Kazuya's secret to Shun. Kazuya's trust in Shun & Ruka, define that he already thinks of them as uchi.References
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