The Philosophy Meaning of nDalem Prince Joyokusomo’s House (Gadri Resto) as a Cultural Tourism Attraction

Sahlit Sugesti, Saryani Saryani, Gunawan Yulianto, Setyo Prasiyono Nugroho


This study seeks to describe whether Gadri Resto can be a cultural tourism attraction. This study uses a descriptive method to try to describe the uniqueness and originality of the Javanese house in nDalem Prince Joyokusumo's House (Gadri Resto). The method of the data collection consists of literature study, observation, and interview. Interviews are used to find out information in-depth from the informants. The results show that the tourists who come to Gadri Resto are very impressed with the uniqueness of the Gadri Resto building, where the uniqueness lies in te Gadri Resto building which has a Javanese house concept, consisting of Pendopo, Peringgitan, Sentong Tengah, Sentong Tengen, Sentong Kiwo, Gadri and Pawon which has a function and philosophy to make a cultural tourist attraction for tourists who visit the place.

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