Molecular Gastronomi Methods in Es Teller: Jellification Technique


  • Setyo Prasiyono Nugroho
  • Bima Dwi Cahyanto
  • Hermawan Prasetyanto



This study is an experimental study in which the purpose of this study is to analyze the application of molecular gastronomy methods to es teler dishes by using jellification as a processing method, in order to it looks more attractive, serving practical and its storing. The application of this method is still rarely used in modifying traditional products, therefore the authors use this method in the process of making es teler by substituting 100% of the method of making es teler products, while maintaining the same taste as the real es teler products. The sampling technique used in this study is purposive sampling with research instruments in the form of interviews and questionnaires which were distributed to 15 panelists of the Pastry Chef and Pastry Commissary who worked in fivestar hotels in Yogyakarta. This research uses organoleptic test with hedonic test technique which focuses on sensory characteristic analysis of es teler molecular gastronomy which includes taste, aroma, color, texture and appearance. The results of this experimental research show that most of the panelists like the shape and es teler presentation which has been modified by molecular gastronomy method by using jellification technique. In addition, es teler with the molecular method is more practical in storage and it is easier to serve.


Journal article with DOI

Gusnadi, D., Taufiq, R., & Baharta, E. (2021). Uji Oranoleptik Dan Daya Terima Pada Produk Mousse Berbasis

Tapai Singkong Sebegai Komoditi Umkm Di Kabupaten Bandung. Jurnal Inovasi Penelitian, 1(12), 2883-2888.

Doi: Https://Doi.Org/10.47492/Jip.V1i12.606

Journal article without DOI (when DOI is not available)

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Blog post:

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