Exploring Local Values in Language through Sundanese Culinary Proper Name from A Cognitive Onomastics Perspective


  • Elvi Citraresmana
  • Lusi Susilawati




This article discusses the essence of exploring local values through the proper names. The research aims to reveal the local values based on the mental existence of proper names through Cognitive Onomastics. The research method applied is a qualitative one. First, the researchers collected the data from various sources, such as brochures, restaurant menus, and observation. Next, this research investigated the proper culinary names, which originated in West Java and are well-known by people outside West Java. Then, the morphological and morphophonemic processes are applied to explore the local value through mental existence in line with Cognitive Onomastics. To conclude, this study indicates two morphological processes; reduplication and acronym. In addition, the Sundanese culinary proper name reflects the local values since the proper name is an ethnic mental lexicon that consists of an individual mental lexicon.


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