A Good Practical Use of Digitizing in the Digital Tourism Sub-sector
The Writer uses the Library Research method in writing this article. The first way to run a business is to find the right idea. Usually, ideas sold in the sector of a business will increase profits for the company that sells and consumers who buy the idea (the form of the idea is usually in the form of a product or service). The process of selling can occur because of market demand that has a reasonable enough reason so that there is a dependence made by consumers in meeting their needs. In this case, it can be concluded that a product is the core component of an online business. The digitization process itself is how a company changes the way it markets its products which initially used the old conventional such as word-of-mouth marketing. This method is still relevant and can be used in marketing a product, but in its application in the real world, there are better things in marketing the product. An example of the application of the digitization process is the creation of a website for the product. In this case, the product of tourism can be called digital tourism because creating a website, can make it easier to increase the exposure of a product so that it is expected to add value that is sold and needed by consumers who will meet their needsReferences
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