Language politeness as an indicator of the character of students in the Indonesian Language Education Study Program (PBI) at iqra buru university in the era of the industrial revolution 4.0


  • Musyawir Musyawir



This study aims to determine the relationship between language politeness and the character of students of the Indonesian Language Education Study Program, Iqra Buru University and efforts to improve language politeness of students of the Indonesian Language Education Study Program, Iqra Buru University. This study uses a descriptive qualitative approach. Descriptive qualitative research approach is research that emphasizes the analysis of the process of inference, induction and deduction and is related to the relationship between phenomena that exist in students at the Indonesian Language Education Study Program, Iqra Buru University. Based on the results of the literature review that has been carried out, information is obtained that: 1) there is a relationship between language politeness and the character of PBI students. The politeness of the language of PBI students is in accordance with the character of the student. Students who have good language politeness tend to have good character and 2) there are several ways to improve the politeness of PBI students, namely by 1) using social media as a platform to practice speaking politely, 2) getting used to speaking politely in lectures, and 3) use good and correct Indonesian when carrying out teaching practices


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