Aizuchi by Native Speaker and Foreign Speaker on Online Media


  • Meliana Rista Utami
  • Bayu Aryanto



This work aims to describe the form and function of aizuchi that appears in Miku Real Japanese's youtube video. This is an interview between Japanese native speaker and Japanese foreign speaker about learning Japanese. The type of this study is a descriptive qualitative study with aizuchi form theory according to Horiguchi Sumiko and aizuchi function theory according to Kubota Mayumi. The technique to collect the data was conducted through listening and note-taking techniques to calculate the frequency of the appearance of aizuchi then analyzed to describe the form and function of aizuchi. The results found that there were 341 aizuchi appearances consisting of 199 from native speaker and 142 from foreign speaker of Japanese. The forms of aizuchi spoken by speakers include aizuchishi, kurikaeshi, iikae, and sonota. On the other hand, the functions of aizuchi spoken by both speakers include sign of listening, sign of understanding, sign of agreement, sign of denying, sign of expressing feelings, sign for connecting pauses, sign for adding,correcting, and asking information.


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