Rethinking The Sustainable Tourism Strategy to Recover the Economy After Covid-19 Outbreak Case Studies: Bali, Indonesia


  • Ida Ayu Candrawati
  • Ni Kadek Dian Pitriyani



Bali's economy is highly reliant on tourism activities. However, the Covid-19 outbreak led to unprecedented shock to the economy and it had not recovered yet until 2022. This study aims to examine how sustainable tourism in Bali constituted to the resilience of the Balinese economy before and during the Covid-19 pandemic (2019-2021). The variables considered are the level of regional GDP and labor characteristics which were analyzed utilizing statistics descriptive. The results of the study indicate that the multiplier effect of the tourism sector before the pandemic has not been able to sustainably develop other business fields to continue to grow in the midst of the global crisis. In addition, the shift in the percentage of workers in the tourism sector (providers of accommodation and food and drink) to the agriculture, trade, and manufacturing industry did not affect the value-added created to Bali’s regional GDP. This study recommends optimizing the development of sustainable tourism with the interconnectedness with non-tourism business fields in terms of added value to regional GRDP and business fields.


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