Politeness Strategies as Form of Hospitality in the Field of Tourism in Japanese Restaurants


  • Anak Agung Ayu Dian Andriyani
  • Ida Ayu Putri Gita Ardiantar
  • Wayan Nurita
  • I Komang Sulatra




This qualitative study aimed to find politeness strategies in the interaction of consumers and staff in Japanese restaurants. The primary data source is in the form of dialogue that occurs during the interaction between staff and tourists both local and foreigners as consumers. The data were taken from ten Japanese restaurants in Denpasar City with a very high intensity of buyer visits. The observation method was applied in collecting the data and the techniques used were recording the interactions, listening to the conversation, and taking notes which was supported by interviewing ten Japanese restaurant staff and consumers. The pragmatic equivalent approach is a basic reference for research because it pays attention to the context of the situation in each dialogue. The results showed that there is an implementation of negative politeness strategies focusing on the use of a variety of respect at the beginning of the meeting regardless of local and international consumers as well as polite speech and respectful attitude; and the existence of positive politeness strategies by closing the distance through friendly service, paying attention to visiting tourists. In addition, the Japanese culture of interaction in the form of hospitality is highly applied. Therefore, the services provided provide comfort to consumers as if they were in Japan. This phenomenon provides an illustration that the application of appropriate politeness strategies in Japanese restaurants is a form of implementation of hospitality to consumers.


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