Lexicons in the Wura Bongi Monca Dance in Bima District


  • I Gede Budasi
  • Made Sri Indriani
  • I Ketut Trika Adi Ana




This ecolinguistic research aimed to describe the lexicons and cultural meaning of the movement, clothing, and musical instruments of the Wura Bongi Monca dance. The setting of the study was Paju Monca Studio-Bima EIT. From 3 selected informants, 19 related lexicons were found in the dance. In the dance movement, there are seven lexicons: two lexicons, namely ' nemba' respectful gesture, and 'lampa lu'u ' foot movement, belong to the opening structure; In its core structure, there were three lexicons: ' lele kui' left-handed, ' lele wana' right-handed, and 'lele bali bae' both-handed, were found. In its closing one, there were two lexicons: ' nemba' salute and ' lampa losa ' out foot. In the clothing part, there were eight lexicons(3 located on the head): ' jungge' flowers, ' jungge dondo decorations that fall apart in a bun, and ' sanggul.' On the head, there are four lexicons: 'satampa dinc' wrist strap, ' tembe songket’ blue songket sarong,' poro shirt,' ' salepe' belt, ' boko bongi monc' a yellow rice bowel. On its musical instruments, there were four lexicons: ' 2 Gendang' (a set of genda mbojo), ' 1 katongga ' (medium size gong), ' 1 small gong ', and ' 1 silu ' (serunai). The cultural meaning of the lexicons of the dance movements reflects the meaning of female Bimanese characters that impresses politeness, unity, togetherness, firmness, and elegance. The lexicons of his clothes stand for glory, courage, chastity, and elegance, and the lexicons of its musical instruments stand for strength, life, enthusiasm, and pride of female Bimanese in supporting the Bima kingdom.


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