The Local Wisdom ‘Tri Hita Karana’ Implementation for Sustainable Tourism


  • Wayan Nurita
  • I Dewa Ayu Devi Maharani Santika



Bali is still the world's best tourist destination. One of the tourist attractions is the hospitality of the Balinese according to Travel Leisure, which has named it the third best island in the world in 2022. Detik Travel has also named Bali as the happiest tourist destination in the world because of its beautiful scenery and friendly people. In addition to formal education in schools as forming skills and service ethics in the world of tourism, Balinese people are also forged in the family and community environment through local wisdom as expressed by Plato (in Liliweri, 2014), local wisdom as a complete library that is more valuable than all other wealth. One of the local wisdoms in Bali is "Tri Hita Karana" (Tri = three, Hita = prosperous, Karana = cause) which means three main things that lead to the welfare and prosperity of human life. Tri Hita Karana in everyday life requires a balance of relationships between humans and God, humans and humans, also human and nature. This study discusses the implementation of Tri Hita Karana as a foundation for sustainable tourism. This research method is a field research method and literature study refer to the ideas of Nazir (1988). Data collection techniques is according to the idea of Sugiyono (2005). The theory used is the theory of sustainable tourism by Gunawan and Oliver Otis (2012). The research location is in Denpasar City and Badung Regency, Bali. Based on the results of the study, it was found that the local wisdom of Tri Hita Karana made the world of tourism in Bali sustainable because of the balance between God (religious activities), humans (services), and nature (nature and cultural reserves).


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