A Diphthong Pronunciation Analysis Uttered by EFL Students in Microteaching Class Practice


  • Aulya Cahyaningrum




The status of English as an important language is a fitting case in Indonesia. However, the fact of EFL (English as Foreign Language) creates issues when the students need to fully and correctly learn English. As a result, Indonesian students need help cause of their struggle to achieve a high level of English proficiency. The purpose of this study is to use a descriptive-qualitative method to analyze diphthong sounds made by 25 sixth-semester English Education students. The data were obtained from video teaching recordings of the Reflective Microteaching class. The result is that there are still many students mispronouncing [e?]. [??], [??], [a?], [??], [o?], and [a?] because some factors that should be under of consideration forward.


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