Types of Figurative Language in Maher Zain’s Song Lyric ‘Number One for Me’ Album


  • Yovita Febriani Kakang




This study aimed at identifying the types of figurative language and the meaning of figurative language found in the song lyrics of Maher Zain song "Number One for Me". There were two theories used in the study. The first was the theory of figurative language from Kennedy (1983), and the second was the theory of meaning by Leech (1974) to analyze the meaning of figurative language. The method used in this study was the qualitative method. The data were collected by reading the lyrics of Maher Zain song, identifying the types of figurative language, and analyzing the meaning. As a result of this analysis, the researcher found 3 types of figurative language found in song lyrics. They were simile consisted of 3(40%) words, the metaphor had 2 words (20%) and hyperbole consisted of 3(40%) words. The conceptual meaning was dominant in this analysis


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