The Challenges of the Lampung Cikoneng People in the Midst of the “Lampung Cadang” Presumption


  • Linda Sari Wulandari
  • Multamia R.M.T. Lauder
  • M. Alie Humaedi
  • Sri Munawarah



Lampung people was not just stay in the province of Lampung. One of the migration places for Lampung people are Serang, Banten. They inhabit four villages in Cikoneng Village, Serang, Banten. However, there is an assumption by the people in Lampung that the people of Lampung Cikoneng were "Lampung Cadang". The term had created a polemic among the people of Lampung Cikoneng because it has a negative connotation, namely that they are considered to damage the Lampung language because it shows some differences with the Lampung languages in Lampung. The situation and conditions of the Lampung Cikoneng language as described in the language wave theory. The further away from the homeland (the area of origin of language) will be seen the difference in lexicon and phonological. This is a natural phenomenon according to linguistic ecology. The aims were to determine the existence Lampung Cikoneng language. This study uses a qualitative method based on direct observations, interviews, and literature reviews. Based on observations, the Lampung Cikoneng language still exists. It can be seen that the Lampung Cikoneng language still survives even though the children of the next generation of Lampung Cikoneng people are still fluent in Lampung Cikoneng. This shows that there is a challenge to maintain the customs of the Lampung people. They can also show their identity as Lampung Cikoneng people. There has been a process of reformulating the identity of the Lampung Cikoneng community which is realized with the concept of Lampung Sai (Lampung Unity) in the Cikoneng.


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