Morphological Causative Construction In Rote Languege


  • Agnes Maria Diana Rafael



The article deals with the study of morphology causative constructions Rote Language (RL). As a language which belongs to Austronesian language family, typologically, the morphology type of RL is an agglutinating. It is a language that has an affixation process as a strategy to form new words. The primary data in this study were written document data, such as folklore, the online article written used the language, and Bible written in RL. The secondary data are interviews, in aim to confirm the accuracy of the primary data with the linguistic intuition of RL native speakers. In the data processing process, all recorded data, either written or verbal, are observed, classified, sorted, and grouped based on the similarity of verb behavior and structure. The result of analysis shows RL uses pronoun copy system, which is a phenomenon of subject and verb agreement. The causative verbs in RL marked by the presence of pronoun copys ?-, m-, n-, l- and t- and marked by the presence of prefix aka-. This condition is caused by the strength of the pronoun copy in attaching to more than one syntactic category. Pronoun copys also have the ability to attach to numbers of basic verbs. The construction of causative verbs as the following: pronoun copy ? + prefix aka- becomes aka-, pronoun copy m + prefix aka- becomes maka-, pronoun copy n- + aka- becomes naka-, pronoun copy l- + prefix aka- becomes laka-, and pronoun copy t- + aka- becomes taka-. Hence, aka-, naka-, laka-, and taka-, will marked the verbs to form causative verbs in the language as the morphological process in forming a new causative verb in RL.


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