Penglipuran Bali Tourism Village (The Third Cleanest Village in the World)


  • Gent Dhika Wardhana
  • Devia Elsa Valeria
  • Tika Nur Awalina
  • Syaiful Ade Septemuryantoro



Bali is one of the provinces in Indonesia that is already widely known by local and international people because of its extraordinary natural beauty. Bali has its charm that makes tourists never get bored to come back to Bali. Natural preservation, friendly Balinese people, and also the culture that is still maintained now are the main attractions for tourists who come to Bali. The beauty of Bali tourism has also received many national and international awards, making Bali tourism continue to be maintained by the Balinese people themselves. A proud achievement for Indonesia has been achieved by one of the tourist attractions in Bali, namely Penglipuran Bali Tourism Village. This village received the cleanest village award in the world. Penglipuran village is one of the tours in Bali which is very popular with foreign tourists and also local tourists who are traveling in Bali. Penglipuran Bali Tourism Village has a calm and cool atmosphere because Penglipuran village is the third cleanest village in the world, after Mawlynnong village in India and Giethoorn in the Netherlands.The research method used is descriptive qualitative where we look for the charms and advantages of the Penglipuran Bali Tourism Village through articles, news, and journals that have been reviewed and searched for the truth and then reassembled in the topic that we will write about.Penglipuran Bali Tourism Village is one of the tours in Bali which is very liked by foreign tourists and also local tourists who are traveling in Bali. This village is famous as one of the tourist attractions in Bali because the community still preserves traditional Balinese culture in their daily life. The cool air in the Penglipuran Bali Tourism Village due to the lack of air pollution and also maintaining and upholding the existing ancestral customs have made the people in the Penglipuran Bali Tourism Village succeeded in building tourism that benefits the entire community without losing their culture and traditions


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