Translation Techniques of Nautical Terms of Commander Ernest Krause in Geyhound Film by Aaron Schneider


  • Ridho Revindo Putrawieka Universitas Dian Nuswantoro
  • Achmad Basari Universitas Dian Nuswantoro



This research entitled Translation Techniques of Nautical Terms of Commander Ernest Krause in Greyhound film by Aaron Schneider. The study aims to examine and identify the translation techniques of nautical term utterances in that film. In this study, the researchers used the descriptive qualitative method to assist and analyze the data. The object of the data is English as the source language and Indonesian as the target language. The theories of translation techniques are based on Molina and Albir (2002). The researchers found 70 data of nautical term utterances by the main character from the Greyhound film. The translation techniques are categorized separately with a percentage of the translation techniques as follows: Adaptation (3 data/ 4,29%), Amplification (1 data/ 1,43%), Borrowing (7 data/ 10%), Calque (1 data/ 1,43%), Description (4 data/5,71%), Established Equivalence (33 data/47,14%), Literal Translation (17 data/ 24,29%), Particularization (2 data/2,86%), and Reduction (2 data/2,86%). The result of the translation technique that often occurs the most for the utterances of the nautical term in Greyhound film is Established Equivalence. Furthermore, the translator applied the translation technique based on the official dictionary of both languages with the common term known as ‘equivalent’ and the messages remained the same.


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