MEDIA Jurnal Media Ekonomi en-US MEDIA PENGARUH MEKANISME CORPORATE GOVERNANCE TERHADAP NILAI PERUSAHAAN (STUDI EMPIRIS PADA PERUSAHAAN MANUFAKTUR YANG TERDAFTAR DI BURSA EFEK INDONESIA TAHUN 2007-2009) <p><em>The purpose of this research is to examine the influence of the corporate governance mechanism to the firm value. The variables examined in this research are audit committe (audit committee activity and expertise of audit committee), board of commissioner (board of commissioner activity and independent commissioner), institutional ownership, managerial ownership and firm value.</em></p> <p><em> The sample which used in this research are manufacturing companies listed at Indonesian Stock Exchange on period of 2007-2009. This research is using purposive sampling method to determine the sample and resulted 44 companies as research sample. Multiple regression model and statistic descriptive is used to analysis data. </em></p> <p><em>The result of this research shows the corporate governance mechanism (expertise of audit committee, independent commissioner and managerial ownership) had positive effect and significant to firm value. Audit committee activity, board of commissioner activity, and Institutional ownership are not influence to firm value. </em></p> Ririh Dian Pratiwi Imam Gozali Copyright (c) 2015-08-03 2015-08-03 19 2 ANALISIS REAKSI PASAR MODAL INDONESIA TERHADAP PERISTIWA NON EKONOMI (STUDI KASUS PERISTIWA BOM JW MARIOTT / RITZ CARLTON 17 JULI 2009) <em>Capital market is one of the economic instrument with rapid developments. It is become an indicator and supporting economic development of a country. Capital market gives reaction to any event which contents with information, economic event as well as non economic event. Safety situation in the Country have a close relationship with stability and the economic performance of a country. In Indonesia, safety situation seem can’t be separated from capital market reaction. This research attempt to analyze capital market reaction to safety situation in the country, in this case is Bombing event on JW Mariott / Ritz Carlton Hotel at17<sup>th</sup> July 2009. Capital market reaction measured by the abnormal return, trading volume activity and security return variability. The examination of market reaction used event study analysis technique and the samples selected by purposive random sampling method from LQ 45 in BEI (Indonesia Security Exchange) during the observation periode. The calculation of abnormal return based from expected return which is exceeded from linear regression technique. The result showed that Bombing event on JW Mariott / Ritz Carlton hotel as a unsafety situation had an impact on Indonesia capital market. There were a reaction of positive abnormal return on the day after the bombing event but in the few days after, market had back to a normal situation. The statistical test result that there are no significant differences among abnormal return, trading volume activity and security return variability around the event of JW Mariott / Ritz Carlton bombing.</em> M. Taufik Hidayat Copyright (c) 2015-08-03 2015-08-03 19 2 NEOLIBERALISME DALAM PERSPEKTIF ISLAM <p><em>The Neoliberalism for some groups was considered superior to other economic systems, but the reality is the ideology fails to provide for the people welfare and has caused excessive economic inequality. Neoliberalism is the current and emerging economic paradigm characterized by the conventional paradigm that seeks to separate the economic activity of all religious values </em><em>​​</em><em>and the release of government intervention through free markets, privatization, and globalization. Unlike the Islamic values </em><em>​​</em><em>contained in the Qur’an and Sunnah, which has been able to become the main cornerstone of an economic system, the Islamic economic system. Islam teaches a balance between individual economic freedom with justice and the common good. Because it includes outlook and way of life as a whole as well (kāffah) as Islam has a goal of creating an economic system with the principles of justice (al-‘adl) for all groups. While neoliberalism is an economic ideology that is based on capitalism, and when Neoliberalism applied in the economic system, it will caused more harm than good and benefit.</em></p> Hendri Hermawan Adinugraha Copyright (c) 2015-08-03 2015-08-03 19 2 KETERKAITAN PERTUMBUHAN EKONOMI DAN PENDAPATAN PERKAPITA TERHADAP KEMISKINAN PROVINSI JAWA TENGAH TAHUN 2003-2010 <p><em>One of Millenium Development Goals is to reduce the poverty. Central Java became one of province in Java Island which has the highest percentage of the average of poor inhabitant. Economic growth in Central Java is not always followed with reducing the amount of poor inhabitant. The increasing of population in Central Java is not always followed by the increasing of poor inhabitant. Based on that condition, the aims of this research are to analize the influence of economic growth, and percapita income towards poverty in Central Java. We uses fixed effect model to analyse this research. The result is economic growth and percapita income negatively and significantly affects poverty in Central Java in 2003 till 2010.</em></p> Ayula Candra Benediktus Riandoko Dita Yuniar Saskia Copyright (c) 2015-08-03 2015-08-03 19 2 PENANAMAN MODAL ASING: KONTROVERSI TERHADAP PERANANNYA DALAM PEMBANGUNAN DI NEGARA SEDANG BERKEMBANG (NSB) <em>This paper aims to analyze the pro and cons opinion of foreign investment presence in development of developing countries. In pro opinion of foreign investment (as well as foreign aid), foreign investment is a very positive thing, because it can fill the gap between the supply of savings, foreign exchange reserves, government revenues, and managerial expertise in recipient country with the required level of inventory to be able to achieve growth and development targets. While counter opinion say that foreign investment may lead gap.<br /> <br /> </em> Hertiana Ikasari Copyright (c) 2015-08-03 2015-08-03 19 2 PENYESUAIAN BESARNYA PTKP BERDASARKAN PMK-162/PMK.011/2012 ATAS PMK-252/PMK.03/2008 TENTANG PAJAK ATAS PENGHASILAN SEHUBUNGAN DENGAN PEKERJAAN ORANG PRIBADI ( KAJIAN UNTUK PEGAWAI TETAP) <em>This research-based review of the literature by using Article 7: Act No.. 36 of 2008 on the exemption in respect of income tax that is operationally Personal translated through PMK-252/PMK.03/2008 (effective from January 1, 2009) concerning guidelines on income tax withholding with respect to employment, services, and activities People PMK-162/PMK.011/2012 personal with (effective from October 22, 2012 (provisions on adjusting the amount of income exempt from tax came into effect on January 1, 2013). diskritif Comparative Methods used by the literature to explain or elaborate on the case approach each tax regulation is then contrasting. Objects used are fictitious or imaginary taxpayer. Results of this study indicate that, it is necessary to adjust the latest tax regulations relating to the calculation of the income tax article 21 permanent employees.</em> Yulita Setiawanta Copyright (c) 2015-08-03 2015-08-03 19 2 STRATEGI PELAYANAN BIRO ADMINISTRASI AKADEMIK MAHASISWA UNIVERSITAS DIAN NUSWANTORO <p class="TEXT"><em>This study discusses how the Performance of academic administration bureau (BIAK) at the University of Dian Nuswantoro, how the characteristics, expectations, performance and level of student satisfaction with the services provided by the academic administration bureau (BIAK) at the University of Dian Nuswantoro and how big the influence of the service provided by academic administration bureau (BIAK) on the student satisfaction levels.</em></p> <p class="TEXT"><em>Sampling use purposive sampling technique with a number of samples taken as many as 100 student respondents. To analyze the data the researcher uses multiple linear regression equation model to determine the factors that affect students satisfaction on quality service of Academic Administration Bureau (BIAK) Dian Nuswantoro University.</em></p> <p class="TEXT"><em>Based on the results of research conducted can be concluded that the quality of service of the academic administration bureau (BIAK) simultaneously affect student satisfaction. This means Tangible, Reliability, Responsiveness, Assurance, Empathy of academic administration bureau (BIAK) simultaneously affect student satisfaction. Where the service quality variables affect satisfaction by 84.8%.</em></p> <p class="TEXT"><em>So that the academic administration bureau (BIAK) Dian Nuswantoro University  must keep the quality of services that are included in the category of very high.</em></p> Agung Sedayu Ngatindriatun Ngatindriatun Copyright (c) 2015-08-03 2015-08-03 19 2