JURNAL DIAN 2012-09-14T11:00:35+00:00 Universitas Dian Nuswantoro Open Journal Systems Jurnal Universitas Dian Nuswantoro PENGARUH SITUS JEJARING SOSIAL FACEBOOK SEBAGAI MEDIA ALTERNATIF UNTUK PROMOSI 2012-08-01T09:06:35+00:00 Agus Triyono <p>Social networking site Facebook has been growing very rapidly in lndonesia. lts presence gives agreat impact in establishing communication with the broader community.This site can be an alternative choice for the promotion and building a profitable business through online channels.One is the product oriflame that specializes beauty products forboth men and women,household and other needs are secondary lifestyle. This site is a media community that attracted many mothers, young women and men to develop its business. Through this networking productscan be offered with great ease so that more people can easilyaccess it. The response was so great from facebookers, contributing huge that its products will be easy to understand,understood and exploited its function properly.</p><p>Keyword : Facebook, Media,Promotion</p> 2012-08-01T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) PENJAMINAN MUTU (QUALITY ASSURANCE) DAN INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION FOR STANDARDIZATION (ISO) PADA PERGURUAN TINGGI 2012-08-01T09:08:05+00:00 Ariati Anomsari <p>University is an institution which has a function and competency in running and expanding the process of higher education, analyzing and developing the science and technology then those will be applied for the society and environmental sustainabitity. Quality Assurance is the controlling structure in delivering higher education based on law and national education system which applies the horizontal controlling done by university, stakeholders, and government. The government determines the national policy and standard. Quality assurance is a system of management which needs standard management system. ISO-9000 is a standard of quatity assurance which has been applied by most organizations. By using ISO-9000, a university will obtain good quality assurance and international standard.</p><p>Keyword : Science and technology, national education system, stakehotders, Quality Assurance, ISO</p> 2012-08-01T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) SISTEM INFORMASI GEOGRAFIS GUNA PEMETAAN DATA KEJADIAN PENYAKIT UNTUK KEPERLUAN SURVEILANS DAN KEWASPADAAN DINI DI WILAYAH KERJA DINAS KESEHATAN KOTA SEMARANG 2012-08-01T09:13:30+00:00 Arif Kurniadi Disease prevention and eradication programs in the city of Semarang are most effective when supported by an active surveillance system. Presentation of data in the form of spatial datais one form of presentation and interpretation of data. The purpose of this study was to map the incidence of disease for purposes ofsurveillance and early warning of disease incidence for the city ofSemarang, fast and efficient. The research method used is prototype method.Steps being taken are indentifier user needs, develop prototypes,to determine whether the prototype is acceptable, and using the prototype.The design shows ageographic mapping system with staining in a region where interpret incidence of a disease condition in the interpret incidence of a drisease condition in the area inseveral caregories. Category is low in green, medium yellow color, and high in red. Map of Semarang City area includes map of the village,District, PHC and maps describing the condition of the entire working area of Health Distric Semarang. 2011-01-01T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) IMPLEMENTASI TEKNOLOGI RFID DALAM PERENCANAAN DAN PENGENDALIAN PERSEDIAAN BERBASIS ERP DI PT. RAJA BESI SEMARANG 2012-08-01T09:16:50+00:00 Herwin Suprijono Rindra Yusianto <p>At manufacture companies, the problems in collecting data often comes from the product recording which depends on the entry of the data operator as a human error. Beside that, manuat checking is done to control the production by comparing the exist database then it will a probtem for the storing depaftment. The aim of this research is fo design the hardware and softare as a support for RFID. Designing this softare is for Decision Support Systemn (DSS) of company management in planning and controling the supply. Qualitative method is used in this research by applying the planning of the system through the steps of life cyle development system. Then the implementation concludes that RFID is a system needed in activity of reading data automatically which prevents the human error. Moreover, RFID is able to improve the product controlling system befter.lmplementation of the RFID and ERP technology can be used fo help the decision making inplanning and controlling production.</p><p>Keywords : RFID, planning and controlling, supply, ERP, manufacture</p> 2011-01-01T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) APLIKASI GELOMBANG ULTRASOUND PADA TONGKAT PUTIH UNTUK PERINGATAN DINI BAGI PENYANDANG TUNA NETRA 2012-08-01T09:26:36+00:00 M Ary Heryant0 Herwin Suprijono <p>A cane that is usually used by they visually impaired person called as white is a mechanic tool to detect the things on the ground, uneven surfaces, holes, Â stairs,puddles and other obstructions. The problem of using the cane is the users should actively use it to grope anything infront of him. The cane can not detect the other obstruction which is far from the users and it absolutely makes the users uncomforted.Another problem is the white cane just only can detect by groping or tactile objects.The application of ultrasound wave on white cane for the visually impaired person is based on sonar to detect any obstruction toward the man. Thris researchconsisfs of three sfeps; analysis, implementation and evaluation.The result shows that this cane provides a vibration as early information about the object which are about 240 inches from the man. lt will also strongly vibrate when the obstruction is less than 40 inches.</p><p>Keywords: white cane, visually impaired, early warning, sonar, ultrasound.</p> 2011-01-01T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) PENYUSUNAN JADWAL UJIAN MATA KULIAH DENGAN ALGORITMA PEWARNAAN GRAF WELCH POWELL 2012-08-03T10:51:56+00:00 Setia Astuti <p>ln makinga schedule in our daily life, it often causes a clash or trouble.Personally it will be not a big problem since there is time tolerance and different schedule of each person.lf there are many persons on a schedule it will be a big problem which causes a big trouble.A schedule of auniversity includes variety subjects and many students. Graph coloring Welch Powell algorithm offers a good solution to know the minimum amount of days which are available for an examination, as the result there will be no schedule clash anymore for students.</p><p>Keywords : graph, node,coloring, exam schedule</p> 2011-01-01T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) PORTAL WEB TRAFIK DENGAN METODE SQUID SEBAGAI UPAYA PENCAPAIAN PELAKSANAAN UU PORNOGRAFI DAN PORNOAKSI 2012-08-03T10:53:46+00:00 SP. Hariningsih. M.F. lrma Defega <p>Sguid is one of the open Source application that combines the security and completeness of the facilities to be used a proxy server, squid is not only to use as firewall, but it can be used to used to user authentication, block of the sites and web caching. Therefore the mechanism to protect is used as proxy server. Proxy server requires maintenance and monitoring for hard drive so it is not overload. it is to conform with the existing lnternet traffic conditions and also face the possibilities that may not have been unthinkable at the time of designing the proxy server. other than that for network servers that come with Squid requires the number of very large capacity hard drive, because every page of the request,by the user are stored in the server. Therefore squid server admin have to do maintenance at least once a week for clien that of 10 clients in each network.The experimen result shows that the user can not access the content of pornography. the using of squid method inside the proxy server. The "PORN" content and the user can save the money. The squid is a open source application, it is more useful then another commercial software proxy licenses are expensive.</p><p>Key Word : Proxy, Squit, Chace, Network Address Translation</p> 2011-01-01T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) PERANCANGAN PERANGKAT LUNAK COMPUTER BASE TRAINING PEMBELAJARAN BAHASA JAWA TINGKAT SD (SEKOLAH DASAR) 2012-08-03T14:07:33+00:00 MY. Teguh Sulistyono Sudaryanto Sudaryanto <p>Javanese education computer can help students in understanding the concept and principle material, so the complicated symbol will be easier to learn. The learning process of Javanese either conversation, or Javanese characters will be fun and easy by using this software. The commercial software of Javanese learning is not based on artificial intelligence, called as Computer Based Training. The software of conventional learning consists of the random material which suit to the understanding of the user. This study is aimed at designing software of Computer based training for making learning Javanese easier. This software of Computer Based training candeliver the material of speaking and Javanese characters as a teacher or tutor as the resuft the delivering will be accordance with the students understanding competencies as users. This software will be implemented with the language program of Visual Basic 6.0 which can be operated with Windows operation systems.</p><p>Keywords : Computer Based Training, Learning Software, artificiat inteltigence, Jayanesse characters.</p> 2011-01-01T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) Analisis Praktik Pendidikan Kesehatan Reproduksi Remaja Oleh Guru Bimbingan dan Konseling pada SMP yang Berbasis Agama di Kota Semarang 2012-09-14T10:57:39+00:00 Zaenal Sugiyanto Suharyo Suharyo <p>One of fhe causes of reproduction health problem of junior high school sfudents is the lack of correct information about KRR forteenagers. KRR education practice can be influenced by cultural factor like religious norm. This research is aimed to describe the education practice of teenagerls reproduction health done by students counselor (BK) of religion based junior high school ini Semarang and to explain what factors play roles in such practice. This research is conducted by using qualitative method. The data were gathered through in-depth interview. The data were analyzed by using content analysis. The result shows that training of KRR education for counselors of religion based junior high schools is not widely spread and it is lack of frequency. All informants have conducted KRR education but it is not implemented well. The material, method, frequency, and the counselor's role in KRR education are not yet sufficient. Their perception and attitude are good, and they accept positively and suppori KRR education for junior high school students. Not all religion based junior high schools have KRR education facilities such as books, CDs, magazines, and visual aid about KRR. Most principals of religion based junior high schools have done efforts<br />that support KRR education program but it is not optimal. If is suggested that related office such as health and education office, BKKBN coordinate to improve the counselors' skill in KRR,<br />provide the appropriafe KRR learning tools for religion based junior high schools, and advocate school principals.</p><p>Keywords: councelors, KRR education, religion based junior high schools</p> 2011-01-01T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) Pengaruh Karakteristik lndividu, Sikap, dan Pelatihan Terhadap Penggunaan Teknologi lnformasi dan Kinerja Pegawai Kelurahan Menuju Terwujudnya E-Government 2012-09-14T10:59:56+00:00 Karis Widyatmoko Y. Tyas Gatur Pramudi <p>The government's use of information technology that is not maximum is caused by human resource problem. lnformation technology infrastructure will not be utilized maximally without good human resource support and this will result ini bad pedormance. Meanwhile there are not many research on human resource in information technolgy. lnformation technology human resource, commonly called as user, can be seen from characteristics, attitude, and training so that the inftuence of<br />these variables towards the use of informaton technology needs to be investigated. The empiric data were taken from 105 employees of 21 districts (kelurahan) in Semarang. The data were processed by using SPSS 16. The result shows that the use of lT is significantly influenced by the characterstics, attitude and training, while the use of lT in kelurahan also inftuences the<br />pertormance of employees. Characterisctic has negative influence and it is dominated by age factor. Education and the length of working time do not have significant influence. Affective attitude and psychomotor give positive influence to the use of lT, while cognitive attitude does not. Computer training variable is dominated by duration rather than frequency factor. To improve the use of computer in kelurahan, age, affective attitue, psychomotoric attitude, and the duration of training should be considered. From the processed empiric data, the use of IT significantty influences performance. Therefore, e-government should be implemented since this will influnce<br />the employee perfomance.</p><p>Keywords: attitude, characteristics, pertormance, the use of computer, training</p> 2011-01-01T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) Analisis Kinerja Sumber Daya Manusia Dengan Pendekatan Human Resources Score Card 2012-09-14T11:00:35+00:00 Dwi Nurul lzzhati Human resources are the core of a system. The success of a company's success in improving the company's performance is highly dependent on the quality of human resources to get the<br />Maximum Work System. lt also needs a measurement to maintain the performance achievement so it will enable to maintain and improve the efficiency and effectiveness of human resources.<br />The approach of human resources Score Card, greatly assists the management in assessing performance against the appropriate level of interest in the company.<br />Keywords: Human resources, performace, human Resources Score Card 2011-01-01T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c)