Arum Rahayu Siti Fatimah, Fian Damasdino, Enny Mulyantari, Gunawan Yulianto


Gastronomy is currently one of the key factors in the development of traditional food-based culinary preparations in tourist villages. The aims of this study are to determine the history, origin, culture, cooking process, serving of mielethek and the efforts to use mie lethek as a gastronomy tourism product in the Tourism Village. This study shows a positive relationship between local food and tourism development in tourist villages. Meanwhile, the method used in this study is qualitative data-based research. The research location is in Bendo Tourism Village, Trimurti, Srandakan, Bantul, DIY. This research was conducted for 2 months (March-April 2022). The data collection technique uses in-depth interviews with 3 key informants consisting of the owner of the mie lethek factory, factory workers, mie lethek sellers and buyers The results of the study illustrate that mie lethek traditional culinary processing products can be used as gastronomy tourism products in tourist villages. This research also reveals that mie lethek has extraordinary potential in terms of history, how to make, process, and serve. The main implication of this study could be an opportunity to design procesing culinary products to promote tourism villages through gastronomy.

Keywords: processing culinary, gastronomy, mie lethek, tourism product, tourism village

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