Marine Tourism Development Strategi In Mapaddegat Beach, Mentawai Island Regency

Enny Mulyantari, Nuharani E Kurniyati, Yudi Setiaji Setiaji, Nathasia Putranto Waluyo


Tourism development is directed at encouraging economic growth, increasing regional income, empowering the community's economy, expanding employment opportunities, creating business opportunity, and creating community welfare. Mentawai Island Regency, West Sumatra Province has many marine tourism objects, one of which is Mapaddegat Beach, which is in the North Sipora District. The right strategy is needed so that more tourists are interested in visiting Mapaddegat Beach attractions. The method used is descriptive qualitative with SWOT analysis. The results show the need to form a tourist village, and it is hoped that it can become an actor in developing the coast. Increase the awareness of the government and local communities in the development of Mapadegat beaches. by planning the construction of A3 Attractions, Accessibility, and Amenities, as well as implementing a sustainable tourism program.

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